The moment someone even thinks about mentioning the word TRNC or showing the flag here, they get attacked from every direction with accusations such as Occupied lands, and Ethnic cleansing and Not-Really-Cyprus, Illegal nation etc.
So it seems like most ppl here feel very strongly about the fact that we are all Cypriots, or that we should be, but i must say i had never actually seen it that way, not because i hold any grudge or any anti-greek feelings, but simply becase i have never associated myself with the nationality "Cypriot" nor with the RoC flag, when ppl ask me where i am from i simply say North Cyprus, and i feel i have to because if i do say i am Cypriot then everyone assumes i am Greek, which i am definately not i am Turkish.
Everyone in my village is Turkish, everyone in family is Turkish and i dont believe at any point in our family history we have mixed with a Greek family, so i dont see the logic nor the reason of me suddenly having to start calling myself Cypriot when hardly anyone knows that we (TCs) exist on this island as Turks, so technically the moment i become Cypriot, in the eyes of most people, i will be Greek! I dont speak Greek (tho id like to), i dont look Greek and frankly i think Ouzo is for girls!
So it seems like all the Greek propaganda has payed of very well, now all they have to do is get the Turks to join them and we become one big lovely family of "Greeks" with a few ethnic minorities that hardly anyone knows about. (assimilation anyone?) How is this fair? And in the case of a united Cyprus, is anyone going to do anything about it, ie. get a new flag maybe? hehe

ps. im sure a lot of the "emotional" GCs out there have hundreds of lovely comments to make about the many different aspect of this text but plz lets just try to stick to the main point...oh and no name calling!