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Nationality vs. Ethnicity

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:41 pm

That's a new one on me, that "TRNC" can issue passports for the world consumption, when the world does not recognise "TRNC" one little bit. So please educate me, which countries actually issued you visas to travel to. I'm going to assume, you applied for these visas from the embassies of the countries to be visited, in the "TRNC" or was it in the RoC.? How does the world not recognise the "TRNC" to commerce with, but will accept it's unrecognised State's passports.?

Correct, the TRNC passport can be used as a travelling document, if a visa is involved you apply the relevent embassy here in the TRNC or Turkey. I have travelled to the UK and all over the USA with my TRNC passport. You appear disappointed.

Need to look this up, and I hope you are right, because I'm getting to print some "TRNC" money, so that I can exchange it with other countries currency. I would have thought, same principle would apply there also.!!

We dont have TRNC money, we use Turkish Lira, you really dont know very much about the TRNC but have lots of negative opinions about our country which you freely express.

VP, each day you post something, it becomes more and more clear, that you are an uncaring, insensitive, rude, robotic, cold, manipulator, aggressive, with half truths to lies.

This is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Many people I associate with would not agree with you one iota.

You respond to serious issues with a smirk on your face, because you have the luxury to hide behind your keyboard and the Turkish Army. I hate insignificant people who can talk big while being protected.

You would prefer they are unprotected so you can attack them and enforce your demands on them, like the GCs did back in 1963.

You'll never get you hands dirty, fighting to create your Partition, because even if you did managed it, which I will very much doubt, you and your family will forever have to live behind the Turkish Army.

Thats why I thank my lucky stars that the Mehmetciks are here to protect us. Dont other countries also have armies? just like the GC "RoC". This arguement is over rated and bears not weight.

There may come a day, when they may not be there anymore to protect you, ever thought about that.?

Is that a threat? and should I take into account that the GCs are out for revenge when considering unificaiton or voting in another referendum?

Don't get me wrong, I love going to Turkey once in a while, and have a lot of family members there, but I'm also happy when I leave .

I to love visiting Turkey its a beautiful and fascinating country but I also love to come home to the TRNC where I belong.

If I die today, I will know, that I died as a True Cypriot, from North to South and East to West of Cyprus. Even if I died in the "TRNC" I will still consider it as Cyprus, because it is. If I died living in a Partitioned part of Cyprus, then it would not make a difference if I died there or North America, because as far as I'm concern, they both will be foreign land to me, only, one will be much further than the other.

Arent you contradicting yourself whats the difference between partioned part and the TRNC? The same would apply to me although I would never die in the GC south as that to me is like a foreign country no different from Italy or Spain.

No one has asked you to live under GC rule, if we had the Federation System. Why do you want to distort the truth, when you know damn well, you are creating a fear and nothing else. Assimilating with the Greeks is another of your lies

People are not ignorant and you cannot fool them, 850.000/250.000 to be reduced even further we would not last 30 years, especially with the GC mentality of the past, present and you can bank on it the future. I do not need to lie as the GCs do a great job of proving me right every time.

If you want to protect your Cypriot heritage, then stay away from Turkey,

They are my heritage not Greece.

BTW, before I go any further, do you get paid by the number of Posts you make, or number of misinformation you print, for whom ever is paying you. Also, are there more than one person behind your Avatar signature "Viewpoint", because the style of your writing tends to change from time to time, and for a person who claims to have a wife, children, and a job, you seem to spend a lot of time on the Forum. Just how do you do that. Man you need to get a life a little, but then again, you're not the only one who does all the writing.!!

Is this really any of your business? and no i do not get paid for the number of posts I post plus their is only 1 viewpoint but you will hate to hear this thousands of people with my viewpoint.

So let me continue a little bit longer. What do you think it's going to happen, if there was a partition at some point. Do you think the world is going to recognise you anymore than today.?

Yes, we will work hard to move forwards, the last 3 years have shown there is a thoring in attitudes towards the TCs, we are accepted in many official circles which we were not before the referendum, This may upset you as well but its a reality the Gcs and you will have to swallow, even though GCs have done and will do everything to stop it, just confirms their intentions of keeping us economically and socially hostage.

Don't you think, within a short time, you will be swallowed (assimilated) by the mainland Turks, then you will not have any voice left at all.?

And this problems does not exist with GCs, come on dont treat us like children we have seen GC attiudes and negative stance first hand since the borders opened, no need to refer to the older people who knew GCs back then.

The new "promised land" will probably called the "New Anatolia", except, all illicit things that cannot happen in a religious Turkey, will all be happening in the "New Anatolia". It will be, anything goes, type of "New Anatolia". Do you see that as a good place to raise your kids, where drug use and prostitution and gambling , with contract killings be all around you.

You could be referring to any country in Europe, have you been to London recently?

Before you start your usual response with half truths and lies, let me tell you where I stand for future of Cyprus. The days of the old Republic is long gone

Well I dont lie and try to tell the whole truth and I agree the old days are long gone there is a new breed of TCs who know only the TRNC as a craddle of safety and tranquility.

I would like to see one central government under a Federation System, where Northern Part of Cyprus is mainly a Turkish Cypriot State, with it's own laws for it's people, and the same for the GC's in Southern Cyprus. The Federal Rules, will over ride "State" rule, to protect, civil liberties, property ownership, freedom of expression, minority rights, and so on. It will be called the "United States of Cyprus".

Pretty much like the Annanplan which your GC brothers resoundingly rejected, go sell this idea to them not me I voted YES more fool me.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:42 pm

miltiades wrote:Forgot to say something quite important in fact. VP works for the Public Relations Propaganda office of the "TRNC"
he is on the payroll on a full time basis . His job definition is that of the official bullshitter executive , known in short as an OBE .

Rubbish as usual.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:44 pm


I said from the begining my question was totally irrelevant to anything not even to the topic which has been scrwed a long time ago anyway.
I just wanted to clear that thing you said before that you lived all your life in Lefka and Turkey. You could answer from the very begining that you lived also some years in the UK. I wouldn't cut your throat for that, I wouldn't tell you "but you said you lived all your life in Lefka and Turkey" It would just be a minor clarification.

Nothing to do with your ethnicity/nationality or anything as far as I am concerned.

Your reaction though, and the fact that you did not give me a straight answer right from the start,, makes me wonder if deep inside you feel you lost some of your Turkishness by living some time in England. It makes me wonder if there people who think a pure 100% Turk with full National conciousnes should only live in Lefka and Turkey.

I want to beleive you are not one of those, no?
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:51 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:@Shah,

I said from the begining my question was totally irrelevant to anything not even to the topic which has been scrwed a long time ago anyway.
I just wanted to clear that thing you said before that you lived all your life in Lefka and Turkey. You could answer from the very begining that you lived also some years in the UK. I wouldn't cut your throat for that, I wouldn't tell you "but you said you lived all your life in Lefka and Turkey" It would just be a minor clarification.

Nothing to do with your ethnicity/nationality or anything as far as I am concerned.

Your reaction though, and the fact that you did not give me a straight answer right from the start,, makes me wonder if deep inside you feel you lost some of your Turkishness by living some time in England. It makes me wonder if there people who think a pure 100% Turk with full National conciousnes should only live in Lefka and Turkey.

I want to beleive you are not one of those, no?

That time was the time when i was under fire from all directions and even just giving my age away made everyone read my posts with preconceptions, altho i dont think living in the UK or anywhere else for a bit has made me any "less Turkish" but i still didnt think it was a good idea to say it back then, i still think it was stupid of me to give my age away as well but oh well.

And no, i do not think that to be a "real Turk" you have to be only living in Turkey or Lefke at all, infact i think i care a lot more about the situation there than a lot of the people i know there who have never left the island, like you say its a matter of consciousness...
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:06 am

What do you mean "there"? Are you still living in England?

And I never believed you are 26. I have two sons, and a daughter, you sound like my younger son who is 18. Anyway I understand the reasons you wanted to hide something about yourself in the begining, no problem for me really.
Anyway good night to you and all other friends in here.
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:12 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:@Shah
What do you mean "there"? Are you still living in England?

And I never believed you are 26. I have two sons, and a daughter, you sound like my younger son who is 18. Anyway I understand the reasons you wanted to hide something about yourself in the begining, no problem for me really.
Anyway good night to you and all other friends in here.

MY GOD you are not in your 20s? i am actually suprized and not trying to insult you either, i am in london right now yes, but only temporary, i came here recently and soon i shall be back in lovely Lefke...night Pyr..
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Postby Simon » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:12 am

[quote]MY GOD WHAT A MORON! a PHOBIA is the fear of something, whatever u attach to it... u are degrading people for their sexual preference, doesnt matter if they have a willy or a punnanni, you cannot tell a homosexual what their gender is! u are SUCH a fuckin idiot i cannot believe i am actually lowering myself this much to teach you english, screw you, im done with you kiddo

dam right you are willing chump! you know i did not attack you, but together we have managed to fuck this thread up compleatly, nice going

oh and use a more articulate dictionary next time....

ho·mo·pho·bi·a /ˌhoʊməˈfoʊbiə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hoh-muh-foh-bee-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.
[Origin: 1955–60; homo(sexual) + -phobia]

—Related forms
ho·mo·pho·bic, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source
ho·mo·pho·bi·a (hō'mə-fō'bē-ə) Pronunciation Key

1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
2. Behavior based on such a feeling.

[homo(sexual) + -phobia.]

ho'mo·phobe' n., ho'mo·pho'bic adj.
(Download Now or Buy the Book)
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
WordNet - Cite This Source

prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality

WordNet® 2.1, © 2005 Princeton University
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary - Cite This Source

Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'fO-bE-&
Function: noun
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals —ho·mo·phobe /'hO-m&-"fOb/ noun —ho·mo·pho·bic /"hO-m&-'fO-bik/ adjective
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


Shah, seriously now, are you really that stupid, or are you just winding me up. I seriously cannot believe anybody can be this stupid. I have given you an Oxford dictionary definition. What? I suppose Oxford is wrong now and you are right? Just like the whole world is wrong and Turkey is right I suppose. :roll:

Yes phobia means a fear of something, but we are not talking about the word phobia are we you dope! Homophobic is when you dislike, or are prejudiced etc, against homosexuals for whatever reason, including fear. Your own definition works against you; as you originally implied that homophobia was a word only used when you feared homosexuals. Your own definition confirms this is not the case! Please realise and understand your complete ignorance. Then I will expect an apology. :lol:

You have resorted yourself to swearing and verbally abusing me because you have nothing else to say. You did not know the definition of sexist or homphobic and you're teaching me English? HAHAHA. I'm not sexist if I discriminate based on sexual preference! Stick to Turkish because you haven't got a clue about English. I'm not telling a homosexual what gender "THEIR IS." Highlighted because of grammatical mistake. :lol: I was simply stating homosexuals can be male or female and therefore there is no sexism involved. By the way, I did not degrade anybody over their sexual preference. Maybe I've hit a sore note with you because you are homosexual after all?
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:31 am

Simon wrote:
MY GOD WHAT A MORON! a PHOBIA is the fear of something, whatever u attach to it... u are degrading people for their sexual preference, doesnt matter if they have a willy or a punnanni, you cannot tell a homosexual what their gender is! u are SUCH a fuckin idiot i cannot believe i am actually lowering myself this much to teach you english, screw you, im done with you kiddo

dam right you are willing chump! you know i did not attack you, but together we have managed to fuck this thread up compleatly, nice going

oh and use a more articulate dictionary next time....

ho·mo·pho·bi·a /ˌhoʊməˈfoʊbiə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hoh-muh-foh-bee-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.
[Origin: 1955–60; homo(sexual) + -phobia]

—Related forms
ho·mo·pho·bic, adjective Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source
ho·mo·pho·bi·a (hō'mə-fō'bē-ə) Pronunciation Key

1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
2. Behavior based on such a feeling.

[homo(sexual) + -phobia.]

ho'mo·phobe' n., ho'mo·pho'bic adj.
(Download Now or Buy the Book)
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
WordNet - Cite This Source

prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality

WordNet® 2.1, © 2005 Princeton University
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary - Cite This Source

Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'fO-bE-&
Function: noun
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals —ho·mo·phobe /'hO-m&-"fOb/ noun —ho·mo·pho·bic /"hO-m&-'fO-bik/ adjective
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


Shah, seriously now, are you really that stupid, or are you just winding me up. I seriously cannot believe anybody can be this stupid. I have given you an Oxford dictionary definition. What? I suppose Oxford is wrong now and you are right? Just like the whole world is wrong and Turkey is right I suppose. :roll:

Yes phobia means a fear of something, but we are not talking about the word phobia are we you dope! Homophobic is when you dislike, or are prejudiced etc, against homosexuals for whatever reason, including fear. Your own definition works against you; as you originally implied that homophobia was a word only used when you feared homosexuals. Your own definition confirms this is not the case! Please realise and understand your complete ignorance. Then I will expect an apology. :lol:

You have resorted yourself to swearing and verbally abusing me because you have nothing else to say. You did not know the definition of sexist or homphobic and you're teaching me English? HAHAHA. I'm not sexist if I discriminate based on sexual preference! Stick to Turkish because you haven't got a clue about English. I'm not telling a homosexual what gender "THEIR IS." Highlighted because of grammatical mistake. :lol: I was simply stating homosexuals can be male or female and therefore there is no sexism involved. By the way, I did not degrade anybody over their sexual preference. Maybe I've hit a sore note with you because you are homosexual after all?

i have started to swear because you obviously dont understand English as much as you claim you do! or msybe you are just dislexic as well as a dickhead.

you have called me Gay to insult me, now i dont care what color you paint that, you are wrong! you can beat about the bush as much as you like and fill this entire forum up with your crap, you will not change the reality of the fact that you will day as an absolute twat! so have a sweet night simon , and looking forward to having some real debates with you when you have grown up, tata now ;)
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Postby Simon » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:42 am

Thank you for confirming I was right. Because all that post has done is confirmed it. You have not replied to any of my comments, but just resorted to rambling about how HOMOPHOBIC I am (which doesn't only mean fearing homosexuals you know :lol: ).

I understand English perfectly, I think it is you that really struggles. However, I am glad you have come to your senses about the definitions though. :lol: I have not called you gay to insult you, but just trying to get at the truth as to why you were so touchy about the definition and why you suddenly brought willies into our debate. If you found it offensive, then maybe it is you who are homophobic. I for one am not.

Keep swearing, you only reach new depths with your disguisting use of the English language. I am right and this is why your last post had nothing but insults in it.
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:49 am

Simon wrote:Thank you for confirming I was right. Because all that post has done is confirmed it. You have not replied to any of my comments, but just resorted to rambling about how HOMOPHOBIC I am (which doesn't only mean fearing homosexuals you know :lol: ).

I understand English perfectly, I think it is you that really struggles. However, I am glad you have come to your senses about the definitions though. :lol: I have not called you gay to insult you, but just trying to get at the truth as to why you were so touchy about the definition and why you suddenly brought willies into our debate. If you found it offensive, then maybe it is you who are homophobic. I for one am not.

Keep swearing, you only reach new depths with your disguisting use of the English language. I am right and this is why your last post had nothing but insults in it.

yes Simon, ok Simon, you are welcome Simon, you can piss further Simon, i believe my answer was perfectly adequet for the level of the argument you are so keenly having with me, and to be honest its pretty dry now, earlier i was kind of amused by your relentless idiotic attitude but now you are as fun as a dead grandmother....
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