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Fasolia (cyprus beans)

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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:36 am

I hate frozen dinners. It amazes me a lot of times when we go to the store and mothers with children load their carts with that "stuff". A lot of times I get asked questions like what is that?(pointing at cilantro) or what do you do with that?? Charlie insists this is a lazy nation and no one cooks from scratch anymore, but I refuse to give up on them! My problem with cooking Cypriot food is that sometimes Charlie is too stubborn to try certain things and I hate cooking just for me. Good thing is Eleni seems to have good taste in food and loves Cypriot so I will have company from now on and into the future :D
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:50 am

andri_cy wrote::D
I hate frozen dinners. It amazes me a lot of times when we go to the store and mothers with children load their carts with that "stuff". A lot of times I get asked questions like what is that?(pointing at cilantro) or what do you do with that?? Charlie insists this is a lazy nation and no one cooks from scratch anymore, but I refuse to give up on them! My problem with cooking Cypriot food is that sometimes Charlie is too stubborn to try certain things and I hate cooking just for me. Good thing is Eleni seems to have good taste in food and loves Cypriot so I will have company from now on and into the future :D

I have the old Cypriot habit, and that is, when I cook a Cypriot dish, which is 90% of the time, I cook to feed at least 10 people. There are only 2 of us here.

It's the old habit of having enough food, just in case someone drops by unexpectedly, as is always the case in the Turkish society, in Cyprus and Turkey. In Switzerland, one needs to arrange a month in advance to invite or be invited for a dinner.

So anyway, rather than eating the same food for the next few days, as I used to, we now have a large freezer in the cellar, to stored the extras, to be eaten at much later date. Now, I only cook my favourites once in a while.

You could do the same thing there.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:30 pm

So you freeze foods that are cooked all the way? Do they taste ok after you thaw them out afterwards?
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:05 pm

andri_cy wrote:So you freeze foods that are cooked all the way? Do they taste ok after you thaw them out afterwards?

I even freeze loafs of fresh baked bread from the baker, and give it couple of hours in room temperature, it is as fresh as the day they were frozen.

Remember I cooked Molohiya / Moloha 3 weeks ago. Well since then, I have defrosted 2 separate containers, and it tasted just great. I have 2 more servings left in the freezer.

Just to be clear. Place the food to be frozen in separate containers, so that you only remove what you need from the freezer, and not defrost all the food, because you can't defrost it again.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:53 pm

Kikapu I also do a lot of cooking , I love fasolia , koutsia with lahana -broad beans - and revithia -chick peas.
Although I came to the UK at the age of 15 , and at 21 married my English wife , its strange that I still enjoy the food I was brought up with , haloumi , olives and I'm a coffee addict , I still call it Turkish coffee .
I'm the only one who eats Cypriot food and I do freeze it and take to work with me. I hate fast food and being a diabetic our food is excellent.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:04 pm

miltiades wrote:Kikapu I also do a lot of cooking , I love fasolia , koutsia with lahana -broad beans - and revithia -chick peas.
Although I came to the UK at the age of 15 , and at 21 married my English wife , its strange that I still enjoy the food I was brought up with , haloumi , olives and I'm a coffee addict , I still call it Turkish coffee .
I'm the only one who eats Cypriot food and I do freeze it and take to work with me. I hate fast food and being a diabetic our food is excellent.

That's great Miltiades. It must be an old tradition, that Cypriot men likes to cook, but mostly Cypriot food. I spent a lot of time watching my parents cook, in London, after we were all re-united again in 1966, after few years of separation.

The only reason I love cooking Cypriot food, aside from the fact it tastes great, and even better after the next couple of days, the ingredients does not need to be measured to be exact. There is a lot of "give" so you can make slight variations, if you wanted.

Freezing fully cooked food, is a good way for me to cook in the proportions that I like...LARGE. The only time I seem to eat "fast food" is, when I'm in the States. It is a National disaster to be eating "fast food" in the States. Then again, most have not tasted Cypriot style food.

Take care of your health friend.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:00 am

Would love to share a bowl of fasolia with you Kikapu , olive oil parsley and Onions oh boy do I love an onion , I'm getting hungry now !
Off to bed , goodnight and sleep well.
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Postby andri_cy » Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:33 am

Cool guys thanks. I will try that. I wonder if you can also freeze dolmades.
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Postby LENA » Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:54 am

yes andri_cy you can freeze them...
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Postby Pete_D » Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:38 am

andri_cy wrote:I hate frozen dinners. It amazes me a lot of times when we go to the store and mothers with children load their carts with that "stuff".

Hey don't diss it, without that "stuff" how would I eat?! ;)
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