miltiades wrote:Kikapu I also do a lot of cooking , I love fasolia , koutsia with lahana -broad beans - and revithia -chick peas.
Although I came to the UK at the age of 15 , and at 21 married my English wife , its strange that I still enjoy the food I was brought up with , haloumi , olives and I'm a coffee addict , I still call it Turkish coffee .
I'm the only one who eats Cypriot food and I do freeze it and take to work with me. I hate fast food and being a diabetic our food is excellent.
That's great Miltiades. It must be an old tradition, that Cypriot men likes to cook, but mostly Cypriot food. I spent a lot of time watching my parents cook, in London, after we were all re-united again in 1966, after few years of separation.
The only reason I love cooking Cypriot food, aside from the fact it tastes great, and even better after the next couple of days, the ingredients does not need to be measured to be exact. There is a lot of "give" so you can make slight variations, if you wanted.
Freezing fully cooked food, is a good way for me to cook in the proportions that I like...LARGE. The only time I seem to eat "fast food" is, when I'm in the States. It is a National disaster to be eating "fast food" in the States. Then again, most have not tasted Cypriot style food.
Take care of your health friend.