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the papalagi

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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:48 pm

Eliko , after what I posted earlier on the human body , I better re think !!!!
Just a small synopsis for Peter , but I do intend to read the entire story.

"""The flesh is sin. That's what the Papalagi say, because for them only the spirit counts. The arm that's raised in the sunlight to hurl the spear ... is an arrow of sin. The chest through which the waves of air roll, is a house where sin lives. The limbs with which the maiden presents the siva (native dance) are sinful. And certainly those parts of the body dedicated to making new people and to enjoy the world with, are full of sin! Everything that is considered flesh is a sin. There is a poison living inside every muscle, a treacherous venom that jumps from one person upon another. They who look at the flesh absorb the poison, are hurt by it and then become just as depraved as those that were showing it. That's what the holy morals of the white men tell us. """"
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Postby Eliko » Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:28 am

miltiades, this item was placed by 'cypezokyli' and if you go back to the beginning you will discover the reason why.

Do read it through the eyes of the author and make no judgements until you have done so, remember you are dealing with the perceptions of a stranger to our way of life.

When you have read it, please let 'cypezokyli' have your opinion on it. :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby rawk » Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:45 am

These Tuiavii geezers arn't cosher, are they?

They're not related to those other polynesians who worship the Duke of Edinburgh as a God or that other chappie in the 1930'3 who told another tribe to worship the US Army? (They still do, make uniforms etc and play their military music.)

After Waco Iraqo, my money's on the Duke of Edinburgh.

And I think all right thinking Cypriots should follow suit.

Well he was Greek, wasn't he?

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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:39 pm

Eliko wrote:Come on folks, give this a chance, there is much truth to be learned here !!!! :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

hey eliko , there is no point in "forcing" a discussion on people.
as i said before , its already enough that you read it and liked it.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:43 pm

rawk wrote:These Tuiavii geezers arn't cosher, are they?

They're not related to those other polynesians who worship the Duke of Edinburgh as a God or that other chappie in the 1930'3 who told another tribe to worship the US Army? (They still do, make uniforms etc and play their military music.)

After Waco Iraqo, my money's on the Duke of Edinburgh.

And I think all right thinking Cypriots should follow suit.

Well he was Greek, wasn't he?


perhaps its my poor knowledge of the english language but.... you never miss a chance to post ironic comments ?

the fact that somes whites, tricked some indigenous people , doesnt make them worth admiring does it ?

personally after reading the above i was really not sure anyomore with is "clever" and "civilized"
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:34 pm

Cypezokyli wrote:

"""personally after reading the above i was really not sure anymore with is "clever" and "civilized""""""

I'm not the least surprised judging by some of your contributions !!
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:29 pm

miltiades wrote:Cypezokyli wrote:

"""personally after reading the above i was really not sure anymore with is "clever" and "civilized""""""

I'm not the least surprised judging by some of your contributions !!

dont worry militades, the author would have difficulties finding the differences between christians and muslims..... the questions he raises are way deeper...
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:23 pm

cypezokyli , The Patagonian and Polynesian people as well as other people living in the South Pacific as well as the Straits of Magelan were indeed seen by the first explorers -missionaries - to these regions as savages.They were described as such in numerous dispatches .
They were described by Dr.R.W Coppinger , who in 1878 first set foot on these islands as the most primitive of all humans. I'm not certain whether any of his books on the expedition are still available , I read this book some years ago.

The men were almost entirely naked while the women generally had a large skin mantle, and those with infants had a pouch made of animal skin and carried over their shoulders , though the affection for the infants was questionable since they were quite willing to part with them , sell them for for a trifling consideration such as a necklace or a tin of biscuits. The word savage was used extensively , more so when brutal force was delivered to young infants resulting in death , for minor misdemeanors . Must try and find some more on this.

Rest assured we have nothing to learn from these people , amongst them the Fuegians , the Yacanas , Tekeenicas as well as the Alikhoolips of the South Western Islands. Cannibalism was widespread but only during periods of food shortages where they would commence their feast with older women first.
What you may now have an answer to you comment below.
"""personally after reading the above i was really not sure anymore with is "clever" and "civilized""""""
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Postby Eliko » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:54 pm

miltiades, my goodness Sir, you really are hard work when it comes to a general discussion aren't you ?.

You have returned the usual diatribe in the guise of an intelligent observation, you veer off on a tangent and produce irrelevance in preference to the opinion required of you.

I am sure we are all aware of the shortcomings of the Polynesian people when compared to what we consider to be civilisation, however, whatever book or source of information you rely on for your comments, they are of little consequence since they do not embrace the subject under discussion.

Allow me to re-introduce you to the object of the discussion.

What is your opinion on how we were perceived by the author of the book we are concerned with ?, are you able to understand the author's interpretation of what he observes when he explains our actions and thoughts to his people ?.

This is not an opportunity for miltiades to condemn, it is an opportunity for him to rise above his prejudices and return his view on the validity of the author's perception of US, not miltiades's perception of THEM.

Please try to see things from an un-blinkered direction, who knows, you may even enjoy the experience. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:48 am

let me try this...
heres what this guys opinion on what we later named WWI

the white man came and showed himself in his true form. Oh disgrace! Oh terror! With blaring voices and proud words they took away our weapons and with God they said, "love each other"! And now? Have you heard the terrible news? That Godforsaken, loveless and bitter news? Europe is busy murdering itself! The Papalagi have gone berserk. One is killing off the other. It is all going down in blood, fear and terror.

now, miltiades.... imagine you are in front of this savage who is completely uncivilized. try to explain him , why he should change to a civilised world that is in a process of a world war .
try to explain to him why is (or was) "europe murdering itself" ?
let me remind you , he is not familiar with the idea of pocession.

common militades... this uncivilised savage is waiting for your answer...
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