I guess my question to you all is this, will my family suffer or be deprived of anything if me and my wife decide to move to cyprus? What is the employment situation there? For example, I work as a surgical assistant in the operating theatres of a specialist hospital, assisting in cardiac surgery, neurological surgery, orthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery and of course many other areas. I also have experience in medical Sales, i.e meeting with specialist doctors and educating them on new medical technologies which they can use whilst practicing.
My wife has a history in operations management, i.e ensuring everything is running smoothly in a companies day to day operation. She is also a qualified beautician, (I thought this would be a good area for her to get into, to open up her own beauty clinic).
Would any of you have an idea on what the wages of such positions are, either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly (sorry I do not know how often people are paid)? Also, are there such positions or opportunities available in cyprus at this time?
Another important issue is the cost of living? Is child care available on a day to day basis, meaning both my wife and I can work fulltime, or is it to expensive, like here in australia, meaning it isnt worth her going to work until the children grow up? Also general expenses, i.e morgage/rent, fuel, food, rates, living expenses, what is an average figure needed by a family to survive on the basics?
There are hundreds of other questions I have, however I wont bore you all with the fine detail (not yet anyway

If we were to move, Nicosia would be the desired town of choice.
Thank you all in advance for your assistance, I appreciate it.