miltiades wrote:The young Punk wrote:
"""I believe youre psychology here, totally represents your extreme views on politics and religion (i have seen your other posts on creationism and SAD is the only word i can think of), but let me remind you that you are a very fine example of the kind of person who is bitter because he is aware of the fact that, him and his views, are slowly becoming obsolete. The real down side of arrogance! That is one horrible way to live my friend, i suggest you try digest all this hate that has been accumulating inside you since the days of the conflict, and just try to be a normal human being again, might be easier on the old heart! """
What a load of absolute rubbish from an immature , inadequately prepared for life's journey , young punk.
Get a job and stop peddling your sick ideology , when you grow up come back and discuss issues on merit.
Go read any of My post and highlight passages of hatred that you so arrogantly attribute to my self. Which part of my posts are full of hatred , my calling the T/Cs my brothers , my dream to see a T/C as a President of Cyprus elected by the people for the people , my numerous confrontations with those that spewed poison and hatred against my countrymen the T/Cs. Grow up . disentagle yourself from the peddlers of hatred and come down to earth.
In case you did not understand where I stand regarding religion let me say it again .There is no God , there is no creator , but there is freedom of faith , just as there is freedom of choice .Talking about religion , who is killing who in Iraq in the name of God. You check it out.
blabla young blabla punk blablablabla hate blabla....*yawn*
anyhow....about iraq! yes the sectarian violence is in the name of god but then so was Bush claiming that god is on his side in his crusade against the "evil doers", so i fail to see the difference, just because christians make it look a lot more pretty and dont shout "ALLAH" before they kill anyone, does not mean they are any less blinded by their religion than what is your point?
Saddam might have been one evil son of a bitch, but at least he kept these people under control, and maybe thats what it took...