miltiades, you are NOT a politician so please desist in trying to emulate one, you are constantly avoiding questions and substituting answers with your own opinions, if you wish to engage in discussions with other people, you must be prepared to consider their views also.
I have asked you severally to adopt such an attitude and your responses are persistently similar, how can you offer a sensible counter to a specific question without knowledge of the subject being discussed?.
Once again I will ask you, have you taken the time to view the link which you so readily dismissed earlier in this post ?, if you have, may we have your views ?, if you have not, it negates all your comments about it since you are discussing a subject of which you have no knowledge, surely you can understand that simple point.
As to your obsession with the U.S.A., is it possible that you are unable to see what is taking place without constant reference to the actions of innocent people who now oppose aggression ?, there are several nations who do not wish to be bullied into submission by the forces arrayed against them, superiority of arms does not prove them right, it confirms the fact that they ARE bullies.
Consider this small fact miltiades, president Bush stated that the U.S.A. would not tolerate a Middle Eastern country with nuclear capability, so where does that leave Israel ?, can you justify that situation ?.
Finally, try to put yourself in the position of the ordinary people of other nations, they have their own cultures and are entitled to live their lives in the manner to which they are accustomed, if another nation wishes to introduce them to an alternative lifestyle, should it not be superior to the one they already have ?, can you not see that the American culture is viewed with disgust by other nations ?, look at the situation now current in 'New Orleans' where the population are afraid to go about their daily business on account of the violence in the streets, this is one very small example of what is wrong with the American way of life, I can see the justice in resistance to many of the points raised here, why can't you ?, read the link and open your eyes, free your mind miltiades.