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Postby Pete_D » Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:21 pm

If you moved abroad from cyprus like the UK you could "marry" a male partner and then would be allowed to "have" kids i.e via adoption I suppose. I'm not gay though so I dunno anything much about it but I seem to remember something in the news about gay "marriage" now being legal in the UK.

But I would think at 17 then you are quite young to be thinking of having a family, plenty of time for that when you're older.

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Postby JenLawler » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:32 pm

Yea Nik i do think you are young, and have plenty of time to find out who you are..and have plenty more time to have a family, but if you are gay doesnt mean you can't have a family...As mentioned you can marry men in the UK and use surrogate mothers to have your children..or adopt..But as your only 17 you should just go with the flow..I don't know if it's a problem or looked down upon to be gay in cyprus but what the hell..People eventually get over things.It was in the UK once upon a time and now it's pretty much totally acceptable..Good luck though and don't worry about it all..Just be you chick :)
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:44 pm

nik wrote:hi JenLawler i am not sure if i am gay... really i am very comfused about it ... i like it but i don't want to be... i want to create a family but i don't know what can i do. i can't . and i am sad for this

Nik, if you are not sure yet then you shouldn't call yourself gay. You are still young and maybe you didn't have any sexual experiences with girls yet? Maybe you are bi-sexual? Being gay is problematic. You can not have children, society will not be very nice with you etc. So before you say you are gay make sure you really are! Try to have some girlfriends first. Some girls even like gayish guys!!
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Postby Eliko » Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:21 pm

A bit crafty to introduce the same topic on two posts nik, you'll do alright mate. :) :) :) :) :)
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Postby Newformz » Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:44 am

lol, why do u people advertise to the public!? And in the Classifieds?? You selling yourself for service?! ;-) On a serious note i think once u get ya hands on some curvy fine woman with a big booty & a handful up top ;-) You will never look back again. :) Tell ya mate, once she up top & riding like a stallion.... Will leave the rest to ur imagination. ;-)
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