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Cypriot Mums and their Sons.

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Postby JenLawler » Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:31 pm

Lucky them eh..I thought my boyfriends mum was like that with me because i'm not a gc.She always looks and talks to me abit grrr.And my boyfriend does expect me to do everything for him..I feel better now knowing it's not just me. And Snad well done..Sounds like you've brought your boys up them up well.
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Postby pantheman » Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:05 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Snad wrote:I have three grown up boys and each one can wash, iron, cook and clean. It must be a Cypriot thing as I brought up my boys to fend for themselves and don't treat women like slaves.

I have never interfered in any of their relationships and never would.
What most mothers don't understand is the age old adage, that children are only on loan to you and not yours exclusively :wink:

That's great Snad. I don't even feel comfortable when my girlfriend irons my shirts. Don't get me wrong, I do like it when she does it, but do not expect it. I do things she does not like doing, like cooking and vacuuming.

My twin sister, living in Turkey has 2 girls and a boy. The youngest is the boy, who is now 26. He is the most spoilt person I know. He lives at home and off his parents, because he is too good to work for someone else. They had opened up couple of small businesses for him, but has failed. He does not have the will to work, he just wants to be the boss and go and buy brand name clothes. He does not wear the same shirt twice in the same month or longer. The parents have done and paid for everything up to this point. I chew out my sister about my nephew once in awhile, but she tells me that, in Turkey, it is expected that the parents sacrifice everything for their children.

Oh, what a waste.

Hey Kik,

could that be because your sister wants to have sex with him and thus keeping him at home and paid for? (ref your earlier post)
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Postby karma » Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:24 pm

please stop talking against mothers in law, all they need is exorcism, twice a week..
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Re: Cypriot Mums and their Sons.

Postby andri_cy » Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:22 pm

GG wrote:
Ok, maybe this should have been posten in the 'Cyprus Problem' section as far as I am concerned its an issue more daunting than any square headed people living in Northern Cyprus.

What is it about Greek mothers, why are they so possesive with their sons, and so obstructing with their daughter in-laws. I can understand that any parent wants the best for their child but the involvement and unhealthy interest that mothers take in theor sons relationships etc is so wierd, and I am talking about grown men in theor late 20's and even 40's somethimes.

Can anyone understand the mentality or psychology behind it?

All I know is I am glad I am the daughter and my mom only meddles for 2-3 weeks when she comes to visit :D . If I were the son she would have moved here already...
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:05 am

pantheman wrote:[ Hey Kik,

could that be because your sister wants to have sex with him and thus keeping him at home and paid for? (ref your earlier post)

Your guess is as good as mine Pantheman, but of course, he isn't married, so his mother has no jealousy from the daughter-in-law effect either.!!

One does wonder however, where the term "Mother Fucker" came from.!!
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Postby pantheman » Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:24 am

Kikapu wrote:
pantheman wrote:[ Hey Kik,

could that be because your sister wants to have sex with him and thus keeping him at home and paid for? (ref your earlier post)

Your guess is as good as mine Pantheman, but of course, he isn't married, so his mother has no jealousy from the daughter-in-law effect either.!!

One does wonder however, where the term "Mother Fucker" came from.!!

its an american term, cos thats what they do. thats why the usa is so fu#ked up. ask gorilagal and leonidas. they are experts at fuc#ing things up.

hey Gorillagal, perhaps you should have accepted that job as a ho, you would do well. :D :D :D :D
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Postby meto » Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:52 am

What does a Cypriot man have in common with Jesus?

- He lives with his parents until he's thirty
- His mother thinks her son is a god
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Postby Hothotice » Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:27 am

Hello everybody!
i'm wondering to know is just (lets say) old jeneration mum are so worried for sons ? cuz i didnt mention that yang mothers do the same.
May be i'm wrong , but if i'm righnt it gaves me a small chanse that soone this problem will be finished.
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Postby LENA » Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:46 pm

Hothotice you are right...that subject is an old generation fact. Actually it was a big fact in Cyprus all this connection mum-son years ago! But nowadays, things changed. Ok am not going to say that you cant find those things even today...but was a huge improvement. Now, young sons take their feature wife and make the announcement to the family without asking permissions. Ok those are few also...but mothers do not react like crazy old ladies any more. They are more open, more close to their children (friendly not like children are properties) and they do not interfere in their private lives.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:06 pm

LENA wrote: Now, young sons take their feature wife and make the announcement to the family without asking permissions. Ok those are few also...but mothers do not react like crazy old ladies any more. .

The mistake most TC's and GC's young people make is, they decide to get married to someone that they want, without the parents interference, but then they don't have the money to get married, so they want the parents to pay for everything.

This is a "sweet music" to the parents ears, because now, they can interfere, and even try to take over the whole wedding arrangements themselves. :lol:
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