you cheeky sod. lol Should have said the boat was made by a local boat maker to our specification. Referring to the two chairs, they are free haha When you catch your fish you need a chair to sit on to gut and prepare it and take it home for your barbie
sylvia, i was researching and it is now possible to buy a BAYLINER 24f with 2 beds, shower, toilet and kitchin + a volvo penta engine 220HP, about 10 - 15 years old for about 30.000$. I've been in one and its just like a mini paradise. I dont want to offend and all but i think your boat doesnt worth that much?
P.S. How much does it cost to have it in Marina/Fishing port...
Converting that price from dollars I think it works out about C£13,300.
The boat has a toilet compartment, work space for kitchen and single converting to double bed. But as the boat was only completed about a year ago, we have not put in the fixtures. i.e. cooker, toilet etc. but its not difficult.
Its only a fishing boat me hearty!!!!!!!¬ [/quote]