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Postby Andreja » Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:51 pm

How is Cyprus going to react if Kosovo become indenpendent and separate from Serbia?
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Postby raymanuva » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:49 pm

i personally dont give a fcuk... i wish Soviet Union would never ever collapse. There would be no Gulf war, no IRAQ bullshit, no BALCAN idiocracy, no Poland in EU :D... and Americans would stay on their continent working hard on constantly upgrading the Missle Deffence. Goddamn it, i miss those days... i was in kindergarten tho :D
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Postby Bill » Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:25 pm

Well you may miss them Raymanuva but I certainly don't.

I remember quite clearly the advice transmitted daily on TV in the 60's on how to protect yourselves during a Russian nuclear missile attack.

How on earth we were supposed to take a door of it's hinges --place a mattress over the top lean them against a inside wall and fit all the family underneath within the 3 minutes that the early warning system gave us.

Personally I've always thought that China posed more of a problem -- but now it's obvious that as the manufacturing giant of the world they are more interested in making money than enemies -- but I still wouldn't discount them entirely
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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:45 pm


One day while busy working in the shop,i was stupidly unfortunate enough to say yes to one of my customers offering to show me real video footage of a captured soldier, and without thinking i stupidly because of curousity agreed to look at the mobile phone video footage of a dispicable act carried out by the so called soldiers of one of these countries to a single soldier from their opposing countryman the group had captured,at first after watching it,i told him he had to be sick in the head for down loading it in the first place,"dont you have any felings for this poor young soldier and his family you sick b*stard",i felt sick inside and all over,for the next month i kept getting flash backs of the film footage as it kept comming back into my mind,the problem was i couldnt tell anyone else what i had saw as the memories of what i had seen just came flooding back,it has taken me almost a year of trying to erase these pictures from my mind,anybody who reads this please dont be like me and let curiousity get the better of you.

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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:38 pm

i am against partition of any kind....cyprus, kosovo or kurdistan
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Postby Sotos » Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:57 am

I am against! Kosovo has a lot of Orthodox Christian and Serb history! Imagine if all those Albanians in Greece or the other immigrants that go to other countries start demanding partition after a few decades! Maybe that is why some people want more strict immigration rules. Maybe they are right!
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Postby EUropean666 » Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:36 am

Kossovo to the albanians,....then berlin to the turks, marseille to algerians, london to pakistanis and goes on.....enough is enough, if they dont like it they can move to turkey, saudi arabia, iraq or wherever they want, just keep islamists out of europe.

kOSSOVO'S president is associated with al qeada, thats for sure.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:10 am

It is not about Islamists but all the foreigners should integrate to the countries they go and not to want to cut a piece off them!! If they don't want to integrate then either they should just suck it up or go back to their countries!
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Postby Andreja » Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:27 pm

Kosovo must stay in march few years ago Albanians made revolt catastrofic to Serbs living there.
Actually,they were burning ortodox churchs,beathing serb people,burning their houses,destroying serbian cultural was ougful,imagine seeing on tv how some wild man takes off cross from ortodox church and puts albanian flag on it...still for KOsovo to Albanians?anyone?

The fact is that they are like vandals,almost every day some atack on serbs is amde by albanians(ortodox graveyards are destroyed or in desperate condition)...too much pain because of those criminals led by president of Kosovo

Serbians know who their real allies are,we saw them in truoble,we wont forget you and you can always count on us.

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