i like your style!

Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Can you for just one minute imagine what people like Kifeas and Piratis would say to a GC coming to stay and holiday in the north, man they would blow him to pieces within seconds in the most degrading fashion.
Thank God for small favours, that Viewpoint is not anything like Piratis and Kifeas.
They would have torn you to shreds and threatened you with physical violence.
Please set me straight here Viewpoint.
Is it not true, some TC's live in the South?
TC's cross over to work in the RoC.?
TC's cross over for day trips?
TC's fly in and out of Larnaca?
So the question I have for you is....whats the big deal, if I spend few days in the South, to sort out some legal stuff, and see my Country.?
andri_cy wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Can you for just one minute imagine what people like Kifeas and Piratis would say to a GC coming to stay and holiday in the north, man they would blow him to pieces within seconds in the most degrading fashion.
So if Kifeas and Piratis would do that and you think you are above them why dont you stop for a second and look at what you are doing? Kikapu wants to visit both sides of the green line why is that so terrible? If I ever came to Cyprus any time soon I would want to see both sides also. After all both sides are our country. So stop being a baby and feeling betrayed because a Cypriot is above all the BS and all he wants is to see his WHOLE country again.
Piratis wrote:Republic of Cyprus is a country that belongs to all Cypriots and not any community, regardless if some TCs choose to support illegal secessionist things that result to the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of people.
A Cypriot supporting RoC is a Cypriot supporting his country. A Cypriot supporting "trnc" is a Cypriot supporting an illegal entity that is the direct result of ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of a foreign country against Cyprus. It doesn't mean that all TCs should support partition and all the other illegalities because some among the TC community and motherland Turkey says so.
Kikapu is more than welcomed to his own country. Compare that with how you want GCs to visit the occupied areas: Like foreign tourists! He can came and see what is going on with his property here, he will not be arrested for cutting a flower from his own land, like it happened to some GCs a few months ago in the occupied areas.
So stop trying to equate RoC - the Cypriot country for all Cypriots, with the "trnc" which is an illegal entity that has as an aim to split Cyprus and Cypriots in two.
It is people like you Viewpoint that create a negative image about TCs among some GCs. If more people like Kikapu and Bir existed then the Cyprus problem would be solved long time ago. However such kind of people don't serve your aim of partition. Partition requires enmity and hate between Cypriot people to excuse the theory that we can not live together and we should therefore be separated. This is why you are so upset when a TC makes something that can prove that TCs and GCs can live together, and thats why you wish that something goes wrong with kikapu's trip.
And by the way Viewpoint, even relatives of Denctash have RoC passports. Maybe you do also. So whats your problem?
miltiades wrote:Kikapu , you are wasting your time with the one side functioning brain of VP. oF COURSE THERE ARE T/Cs IN THE ROC.IT IS THEIR COUNTRY !
Viepoints role on this forum is to spread fear and invent risks involved in crossing over.
He keeps on about the T/Cs massacred by G/Cs , I challenged one sided brain to come up with figures of T/C casualties from 1970 to July 1974 before the invasion. He has avoided the question clearly because THEY WERE NONE !! So he is constantly spreading malicious garbage without any substance. Tell us HOW MANY CASUALTIES OR SHUT UP.
Kikapu you are perfectly within your rights to visit your country of birth without let or hindrance. It is a right that all citizens of the ROC have . The currency of Cyprus , bearing both languages. the ids in Greek , Turkish and English . The names of villages and towns remain the same as when you left Cyprus. The VPs of Cyprus are not Cypriots. They have adopted Turkey as their nation and their allegiance is to Turkey not Cyprus.
tter garbage, what would have said if it were a GC flying into Ercan and staying north while travelling over the island, let me guess "Bloody Traitor" is your style.
Piratis wrote:tter garbage, what would have said if it were a GC flying into Ercan and staying north while travelling over the island, let me guess "Bloody Traitor" is your style.
The Ercan is an illegal port of entry. Why would anybody fly to that illegal airport, especially from any place other than Turkey, when flying to Larnaca is faster and cheaper? The only reason would be to intentionally support the illegal state in the north, something only partitionists like you would do. Everybody else would choose the legal/faster/cheaper way.
miltiades wrote:VP WROTE:
"""He has made his choice with the GCs by staying in the south and travelling over the island, he could have shown some loyalty to his roots and stayed north and travelled around. he has obviously become a foreigner and good dose of the south will bring him to his senses I hope he encounters all the difficulties possible to show him the real side of GC attitude and arrogance."""
What a load of utter rubbish. Do you not have any common sense man , are you just a bloody parrot. You still ha vent answered my question and here it is again. HOW MANY T/Cs WERE MASSACRED BY G/Cs 5 YEARS BEFORE TURKEY INVADED. Tell us all and shut u s up . You are such a pathetic little man and we can all see through you. Go on then tell us how many Cypriots Turks were massacred during this time. You are dodging the question understandably since you know that not even one T/C was murdered by these vicious G/Cs bastards that you so much want Kikapu to avoid same old rubbish that Denktash fed you with when you were a little boy. You are a man now. Put up or shut up.
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