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water cuts !!!!!!!! :(

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water cuts !!!!!!!! :(

Postby Sotos » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:03 pm

TEMPERATURES are set to drop tomorrow and Friday, with rain in the outlook as well, weathermen said yesterday.

Speaking on CyBC television last night, Meteorological Services head Kyriakos Theofilou confirmed the weather would change tomorrow, with clouds forming in the sky from today.

“There will be rain with isolated storms on Thursday and Friday, as well as a dip in temperature,” he said.

Theofilou said the weather would begin to clear on Saturday with temperatures rising slightly.

Despite the wet forecast, Agriculture Minister Photis Photiou said yesterday water cuts would go ahead this year, starting in February. Stressing the increasing shortage of water in the island’s reservoirs, the minister said the water cuts would go ahead even if it rained within the following three months and urged the public to take personal measures not to squander water.

Photiou also said farmers would be compensated within the next couple of months for damages incurred during last week’s cold spell.

That sucks! I remember the last time we had them and it was not nice!! Now I am not sure if I prefer the water cuts or tons of rain until February! Where are those desalination plants anyways???
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Postby twinkle » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:43 pm

I hope the stupid women in my area stop hosing their patios every night and the road outside their house. Is it really necessary to hose the patio, pavement, kerb, road, man hole covers, neighbours pavement, roundabouts..............
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Postby orokliniservices » Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:57 pm

Oh they do it here too!! why do they feel it's their job to hose down the streets?? makes me shake my head with confusion
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Postby Sotos » Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:51 pm

I think they do it so there will not be a lot of dust from the street making their homes dirty :P
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Postby joanna » Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:09 pm

Yes i have to say its something ive never quite understood. As for water cuts i take it you dont live in Pyrgos limassol, its the worst place ever for water cuts. I used to live there and 2 or 3 times a week i would be without water and i had a newborn baby! imagine being without water all day. Cant clean, sterilise bottles, bath baby etc. from the morning to the night. Needless to say we moved out quickly.
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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:25 pm

What never ceases to amaze me is that even in a acute water shortage Cypriots will still clean their cars and wash down the yard / steps and driveway and water the garden on an almost daily basis with apparent disregard for everybody else .

It's not so many years ago that Larnaca town was only supplied with water 3 days a week -- 12 midnight to 6 am -- Monday / Wednesday and Friday nights -- now if you travelled out of the town centre to the surrounding villages there were very few water cuts and life was normal ( that's Cypriot normal ) and water was used as if there was no problem.

Seeing my neighbours come out at midnight with their hose pipes and washing everything down plus watering the garden was sad , funny and very frustrating.

Larnaca town was hit very badly and tourism suffered as a result -- I heard many tourists complain that there was no water to shower or in more acute cases to flush the toilet especially in the smaller hotels that couldn't afford the regular private water deliveries to top up their tanks.

Surely it would have made more sense to introduce water cuts to the villages and try to keep the towns and tourists happy with an ample supply considering tourism is the life blood of Cyprus.

When ever I visited friends in the outlying villages of Larnaca I was always offered the use of the hosepipe as my car was so dirty -- on one occasion a Cypriot friends son washed and cleaned my car without my knowledge and couldn't understand why I was angry with him -- his fathers comments were " don't worry about the water -- we have plenty here -- it's only a problem in Larnaca" --- after that comment I had to leave as they wouldn't listen to my argument that the water shortage affected the whole of Cyprus

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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:45 pm

I do not understand how on an island noone has thought of making a plant to process salt water. There is no need or reason for Cyprus to ever run out of water...
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Postby devil » Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:57 pm


What you say is misleading. I live in a village in Larnaca District and we had water for only 1 hour, 3 x per week: we were down to less than the WHO recommended minimum of 100 l/person/day on many occasions.


There are desalination plants but the water produced is ginormously expensive and they demand large amounts of energy, which means pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.


The Minister of Agriculture has promised water cuts for February.

To mitigate the problem, I enjoin everyone in Cyprus to act on my Ten Commandments on water
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Postby Bill » Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:26 pm

devil wrote:Bill

What you say is misleading. I live in a village in Larnaca District and we had water for only 1 hour, 3 x per week: we were down to less than the WHO recommended minimum of 100 l/person/day on many occasions.

No Devil it's not misleading -- it's how I found it and I was shocked to see water so freely available when we were struggling to make one tank of water last -- even more so between the Friday night and Monday night switch on.

I was a little upset when my friends son washed my car and perhaps went a little over the top with my comments and telephoned to say sorry after BUT I still reminded him that the water shortage was over all of Cyprus not just in selected area's but I doubt I've made much impact there

Can I ask in which village local to Larnaca do you live.

My place is near the two petrol garages on the airport road.

Mind you I bet the private water companies and the mineral water bottlers are gearing up to make another killing this year if there isn't sufficient rain to top up the reservoirs

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Postby pantheman » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:32 pm

Even though i agree we should be more careful with water, a point to note is most village houses have bore holes which they draw water from to wash down the patios, wash cars etc. its not always clean drinknig water they use cos they pay for it. Thats why they the streets as well.

I have a bore hole on my house and we use this water for outside usage.

its free and not drinkable.

just my 2 cents worth.
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