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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Rude Gal » Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:41 pm

I can't agree with BOF view that UK Cypriots are so intwined, living in harmony. From an outsiders perspective, perhaps, but inside we are all so separate (not everyone, but most of each side is). You only have to look at this site or ATCA to see where most UK GCs/TCs are coming from. 'Forever apart' is the message I get.

And let me tell you another topical story to underline this point concerning Mete, the Arsenal fan at the centre of flag issue. One of his closest mates is GC; the support the club together, been to each others' wedding's etc. When new stadium opens, club asks all to adorn Emirates with multiple flags. He brings his TRNC one (naturally - until a future time provides another solution, this symbolizes TC existence) and all hell breaks lose. The saddest thing is his so-called mate joins in the calls to take down his flag, yet Mete has happily stood under his RoC flag on many occassion even though he openly has no allegiance to it. How is this 2-way tolerance?

Of course, I'm sure there are many examples the other way (TCs being crap to GCs), but trying to present London Cypos as a unified bunch is pure BS to me. They are stuck in the 63-74 timewarp and have even fewer moderates here (when it comes to Cyprus issue) than Cyprus.
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Postby humanist » Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:20 am

I am really confused and would like some clarity please. In the referendum most Turkish Speaking Cypriots voted for the AP. What I see on this forum is most Turkish Speaking Cypriots are arguing (and this is only my interpretation) for a permanent divison of the Island, is that correct?

As for rude Gal learn a little about karma before you tell me what Karma is. The reality is that you are currently living it and by you I strictly mean you as an individual. I really have nothing else to say to you. Anyone who claims they are better than someone else has shown the level of functioning and I choose to no longer converse with them. Even when I agree with you on issues that yuou have raised in your post you choose to shoot me down go right ahead I know my integrity and know my passion for a United Cyprus for all Cypriots. I did not condone the student bashing, I do not condone the grafiti issue, I agree for shared political, economic, health and educational power among all Cypriots if you have a beef with me and you want to attack the light that is your issue. I support and equal north and south states within Cyprus. I do not support division of any sector of the population and I do not support war or any military presece anywhere if that makes me less than an advocate for peace let that be my crime then and if bad karma comes my way let that also be the price I pay.

I wish you and your faily a Happy and Joyous New year and may Peace rein within your hearts as well as forgiveness for all those that you feel have harmed you.
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Postby BOF » Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:54 am

8) Rude Gal i dont expect everyone to agree with my point of view as its just that - and this is a forum for free expression after all. Im just curious to know your age ? (yes i know you shouldnt ask a lady her age) and how long you have lived in the fair metropolis ? Its just as i said its a non Cypriots observation on a community in london.. a place in which i lived for over 30 years so i got a pretty good look at various communities there.....As i said most native english people neither know the difference
or care..
The suggestion i made was a bit tongue in cheek - but with so much venom and hatred on this subject, Show me a suggestion on here from a local that has a better idea...they are too busy calling each other names....Anyway im quite happy to say its none of my business and leave this thread to CYPRIOTS of both sides to sort out. :argue:
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Postby humanist » Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:11 am

Thank you BOF you have captured it well as, I could not express myself clearly to her.

So BOF how do you feel living in da Best City in da World - according to Rude Gal. Do you feel blessed? just a joke :lol: :shock:
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Postby Rude Gal » Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:25 am

Humanist, I've not written on this site for months. I write a couple of things and boom YOU launch into me. Don't worry, a gal like me can handle herself, but please check who "insulted" who first. I never even heard of you till then (unless you write on other forums under another name so you are aware of me?). And what do I care for your views anyway? As much as you evidently care for mine!

Like I said in a previous post, respect is a 2-way street and you have to court me as much as I do you, or we go nowhere. Whether you agree with my views or not, if you choose to respect me, you will receive the same. If you launch into a tirade I will either ignore or give as good as I get (depending on my mood of course :wink: ). So, I hope we clear now. I got no beef with you and if you don't dig my style of articulation or my points/views, skip instead of attack!

However, it is the festive spirit and perhaps we all got off onto wrong foot. So wishing you and your loved ones a beautiful New Year, full of peace, love & harmony
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Postby andri_cy » Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:29 am

Peace, love and harmony is no fun :( :P
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Postby Rude Gal » Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:35 am

BOF 8) I'm not one of those Cypriots who think non-Cypriots should step out of this issue. I am eager to hear everyone's views (unless they are racist or offensive) and please do not take my strong views offering a contrary view to yours as meaning to drown you out. It was not intended as such, just I think on Cyprus issue UK Cypos are nowhere near in synch.

I agree this site or "locals" has not offered too many balanced ideas for reconcilliation of two sides or just solution. I think for those who genuinely want a fair, unified Cyprus, they need to look elsewhere as it is too much blame-game here and one sided (GC). Yet, I hope eventually people will tire of this and realise selfish demands = banging heads vs a brick wall.

I'm involved in a human rights group for North Cyprus & I can tell you it has been an eye-opening journey, getting to grips with issues of both sides. Neither has monopoly of pain, truth, or wisdom, and we all carry our own prejudices (even when we think we being fair - hence interesting for outsiders without axe to grind or motive to comment). But there are better ways to extract best of each side then what is currently offered on this site (from TC perspective, I'm not encouraged).

FYI I've been in London longer than you! And it is by far Da Best City in da World (most cosmopolitan, most happening, most expensive, most up-its-own-ass... :lol: ) Blessed are we who chose to live here, aiiiiiiiii!
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Postby Rude Gal » Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:37 am

andri_cy wrote:Peace, love and harmony is no fun :( :P
It's the way you twist these that makes 'em fun :twisted:
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Postby humanist » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:49 am

Guys I truly believ we all lost sight of the issues and I truly beoieve we are now arguing for arguing sakes. A month or so ago I came accross a picture of Talat and Papadopoulos where Mr Talat had a beautiful smile on him that one would have thought they were best mates in a Peace Park formely known as Buffer Zone. If anyone knows what am talking about pls forward it on. It was such a lovely picture. I hope that they can repeat the good sentiments that showed through on that day, the day they both sign on a United Cyprus.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:15 am

Rude Gal. Told us :

"""but trying to present London Cypos as a unified bunch is pure BS to me. They are stuck in the 63-74 timewarp and have even fewer moderates here (when it comes to Cyprus issue) than Cyprus."""

Then you do not live in London my dear . You are a prejudiced individual who can not see further than your nose. I have DAILY contact wit T/Cs and have had DAILY interaction for years now. Have lived in the UL since 1961 ,have got not one but numerous T/Cs that I call mates , but then I
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