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9/11, what really happened?

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Do you think the US administration had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks?

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9/11, what really happened?

Postby bg_turk » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:59 am

Improbable Collapse - the Demolition of Our Republic

After watching this documentary, it would be criminal for anybody to not to demand answers from the American government.
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Re: 9/11, what really happened?

Postby Kikapu » Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:13 pm

bg_turk wrote:Improbable Collapse - the Demolition of Our Republic

After watching this documentary, it would be criminal for anybody to not to demand answers from the American government.


I don't have the time to watch the whole tape. Could you just in a nut shell, tell me what was the reported reason the towers collapsed, if it was not due to the planes hitting them.

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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:14 am

I watched the documentary, it was interesting.

Actually in the last few months I watched 3-4 documentaries about demolitions.

To demolish a building in the right way they plan for weeks. They have to place the right amount of explosives, at the right place, and ignite each explosive at the right moment. Sometimes not even this is enough to demolish a building in the right way. In one case they had to attach steel rods that would pull the building the right way when the explosives went off.

I don't know exactly what happened, but 3 buildings collapsing like that seems a bit too much. Especially the 3rd smaller one looked exactly like a demolition. No wonder they never show that one.
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Re: 9/11, what really happened?

Postby bg_turk » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:50 am

Kikapu wrote:bg_turk

I don't have the time to watch the whole tape. Could you just in a nut shell, tell me what was the reported reason the towers collapsed, if it was not due to the planes hitting them.


The buildings collapsed almost at the free rate of gravity despite the presence of intact floors below.
They collapsed symmetrically despite the asymmetric damage.

This is typical of controlled demolition.

The most compelling piece of evidence that made me believe that it was really an inside job is the collapse of WTC7. Many people believe that there were only 2 buildings that collapsed that day, but in fact there was a third one - and the government still does not give a satisfactory answer as to why it collapsed.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:16 am

I think it was the work of Elvis Presley who along with Marylin Monroe and assisted by John F Kennedy carried out this murderous act. The collapse of the buildings had absolutely nothing what so ever to do with two Jumbo Jets crashing on to them loaded with thousand of gallons of jet fuel . Once again conspiracy theories -moneymaking documentaries - have as consider the possibility that Pigs do really fly.
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Postby humanist » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:20 pm

I am sorry to all those American's affected and those families whose loved ones died on 9/11, however I find it really difficult to hear coments like " the largest terrorist attack", sure it was large but no larger than the terrorist attack of coalition forces on Iraq, no larger than the american's dropping the atomic bomb on the japanese, need i go on.....
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Re: 9/11, what really happened?

Postby Kikapu » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:30 pm

bg_turk wrote:The buildings collapsed almost at the free rate of gravity despite the presence of intact floors below.

I'm no demolition expert, and neither am I, a Bush supporter. If you ever read anything I've written regarding Bush, it is always negative towards him and his gang of criminals. However, when it comes to the destruction of the towers on 9/11, you got the answer right there in your post...Gravity. Let me also say, the government was aware, of impending hijackings to happen at some point, which they have denied.

I have written before, as to why the towers fell, the way they did.

Before I try to explain it again, I want you to think as to how a man can tear up a complete telephone book. I'm sure you have seen this being performed in a circus or in a "strongest man" contests. The telephone book has not been tampered with. It is an ordinary thick book. The truth is, you do not need to be strong to tear the book, because we can all tear a single page, without any trouble, and the next, and the next. The trick is to tear it at one page at a time, but it appears as if the whole book is torn as one unit.

Now for the buildings. Both collapsed in the same way, because they were both built in the same way. There were other smaller buildings also fell that day, but as a direct results from the "Twin Towers".

The tower that was hit 2nd, almost 20 minutes after the 1st tower being hit, fell first by about 20 minutes, and the tower that was hit 1st, fell second. This was the results of:

a) Location of where the planes hit the towers.
b) The speed the planes were traveling before impact..
c) The amount of fuel aboard each aircraft..

The tower that was hit 2nd and fell 1st, had been hit at greater speed and much lower and slightly to the corner of the building as suppose to the 1st tower, that the plane's speed was lower by about 100 MPH, and point of impact was much higher, and more "square dead on" to the tower.

The towers were built like a cage. Steel girdles on the outside, from the ground, all the way to the top, with each "horizontal beam floors" attached to the vertical cage structure. Once some of the vertical cage structures were destroyed due to the impact, followed by intense heat from the fire, with all the wight from the above floors, it was a matter of time, that the "Gravity" was going to take over, and push the above floors to the weakened floors below. From that point on, "Gravity" was in charge, pushing the above floors down on the next, and the next, and the next, and the next with ever increasing speed, energy and force. Just like tearing the telephone book, one page at a time. That's why the tower that collapsed 1st, had more weight above the impact point, than the tower that collapsed 2nd.

Listen, people got caught "bugging" the Watergate building few years back, so how an earth anyone would have been able to place thousands of pounds of explosives, drilling holes to place thousands of charges into hundreds of locations. These were the World Trade Centers, that were probably never closed their doors with high security.

OK, enough said, I think.
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Postby humanist » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:51 pm

I am no Bush supporter either but I think if a plane crushed into my home it'll come down too. And neither can be said for him taking some time to address the nation. He like any other human being would have been in shear shock and disbelief. I realise it is difficult to believe but true.
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Postby humanist » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:53 pm

My God am I sensing a bit of agreement bewteen Turkish and Greek Speaking Cypriots? Well good to see that we can all come to some agreement on at least some issues. Well done people lets see if we could do better. Thanks to Bush for being who he is. :lol:
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Postby Snad » Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:54 pm

I watched the whole video and quite frankly I am confused :?

If it really is a cover up and WTC7 was demolished, WHY???????

Why kill thousands of people???

Why demolish a building???

Just so they could blame it on terrorists??

I know I'm only a woman, but come on!!!!!!!!
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