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The Post Mortem

We all need a good laugh.

The Post Mortem

Postby skyvet » Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:50 pm

A Pathologist turned up for work, and asked his mortuary assistant what they had in store for that day. "We had three in last night" he replied, "all men".
"Ok" said the Pathologist, "let's get cracking".
Viewing the bodies, the Pathologist noticed that all three cadavers had wide smiles on their faces. "Do we know their history?" he asked. "Well, the first one is an 87 year old Frenchman, and he died whilst making love to his 18 year old bride, died happy, so hence the smile". "What about this one?" he said, pointing to the second body. "Ah, he was a Scotsman, and he won the lottery, and spent all his money on whisky and women, and died happy, hence the smile".
"And the third one?" inquired the Pathologist. "That's Paddy" replied the assistant, "He died after being struck by lightening". "Well why was he smiling about that?" asked the Pathologist. "Because he thought he was having his photo taken!" :lol:
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Postby sofo13 » Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:25 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Brilliant
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