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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:37 pm

reportfromcyprus wrote:In that case, militiades, I look to the leaders for a good and constructive alternative. Where is it?

Liberation to Cyprus, all foreign troops out, a democratic constitution like in every other EU country. Is this bad for you?

Well, for your leaders in Britain and Turkey is not acceptable, because they want to control our island.

So don't tell us that a solution is not found because of our leaders. A solution is not found because those that have the power insist on controlling our island against our will and they do not accept a true independent country in Cyprus.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:48 pm

It appears that both sides have agreed that troops will go with a comprehensive solution, even the demonized AP allowed for a symbolic 650TC 950GC soldiers. As for democratic constitution, the following examples could be taken, Switzerland or the X Serbia & Montenegro?
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Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:57 pm

reportfromcyprus , I also look to the leadership for signs of intensified efforts not only to kick start a new process of finding an acceptable solution but also for signs indicating that the Cypriot identity is the only one to be concentrated upon.
I consider the T/C Cypriots to be my compatriots and equal in all aspects of Cypriot matters. I detest the presence of foreign troops that to the vast majority of Cypriots are considered as the invaders and occupiers of our land.
No serious Cypriot , with the interests of the future generations at heart , would want anything else other than a peaceful and united Cyprus without the fear of conflict , invasion , intervention or any other threatening force.
The AP offered none .Turkey only as the legitimate interfering force, forget the Greeks they are wankers.
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:44 pm

Kifeas wrote

You are also on the payroll of Papadopoulos, as a highly paid state employee, yet no one stops you from publicly supporting and promoting the Turkish pan-turanist propaganda and objectives on the Cyprus issue, which aim at vindicating and legitimizing the ethnic cleansing, usurping and Turkification of 37% of the Greek Cypriot's ancestral and historical homeland.

The little fascist is suggesting that we lick the boss (no matter who he is) because this is how, in his twisted mind, all public servants should behave. They should give unquestioned support to whoever the President is. Furthermore, he suggests that any criticism directed at the President is playing into the hands of the Turkish propagandists. I detest this kind of argument and remind everyone of Voltaire and ask you to compare him with Kifeas.

The Annan Plan was a plan that was supported by the international community (UN and EU). There were many things in it that could have been better. Papadopoulos did not negotiate it with a view of making it better for the Greek Cypriots. He infact made it worse so that he could ask for a loud "no". Ask yourself why and there you have the answer: He has been against BBF throughout his life and he wasn't about to change his mind only a few months after climbing to the top job.

Once again, I remind people that in the world we live in there are no ideal solutions but options, especially for a tiny weeny country such as Cyprus. We have been offered some better options in the past but declined to take them, making sure that the Turks recieved the blame for the stalemate. This worked quite well while Denktash ruled supreme in the north. Basically, we kept the flame going for a different kind of solution that would see Cyprus becoming a unitary state once again with the majority running the country and the minority enjoying all legitimate rights. Of course we were thinking wishfully, as always, but when things did change in the north, our shortcomings were quickly exposed. The whole world now thinks that we are the community to blame and that the Turkish Cypriot community is to be rewarded for maintaing a positive and helpful stance. The victims became the giulty part and Turkey got a resolution at the UN asking her to continue it's good efforts for a solution. The amazing thing is that Padopoulos put his signature on the print but no patriot of this forum protested against it.

Once again I ask: Can we climb down from the clouds and face realities? Realities that were formulated not only by Turkey but mainly because of our own incredible lust to turn the island into a part of Greece (Makarios's speaches in Panayia and elsewhere in the early 60's pay testament to the fact). Papadopoulos and his government have been in charge for almost four years. Doesn't it strike you as odd that he has not made a single proposition as to how we can go about solving our problem? Does Papadopoulos give you the impression that he wants a quick solution? Does anyone understand what he actually wants? Why do people not trust him? Has the whole world teamed up to conspire against us? Is it okay for us to shout "thieves" at the angloamericans in such an undiplomatic way? Are we offering the best service to our country by alienating ourselves from the most influential countries that control this region? Is this a patriotic thing to do?

Yes, I supported the Annan Plan and voted, among others, for the Turkish army to leave Cyprus and the number of settlers to be restricted to a few thousands. I voted for the Plan because I knew fully well that it was an option that we could not affort not to take. Simitis did so too and of course he was no traitor. He knew only too well that it was the best we could do, under the circumstances. Yet, with the benefit of hindsight, if I had to choose, I would probably still choose the Annan Plan, even compared to a Plan that offered a unified Cyprus, because with our mentality it is probably better if the two communities are separated for the immediate future into their respective geographical regions. From this point of view the Plan was a masterpiece and took well into account, both our recent history and the mentality of a people with zero political culture.

Yet, what weighed really heavily in my mind prior to the referenda was that I knew that Papadopoulos will never be able to manage the "no" of the Greek Cypriot community. Klerides and Vassiliou would have done it in an elegant and a political manner. They could have easily shown the world that the Greek Cypriot community did not reject solution but a specific plan. Papadopoulos will never be able to do this. Remember how he cried on TV when he asked us to give a loud "no"? Well, a politically cultured man would have cried if he had asked his people to vote "yes".
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Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:53 pm

"""The Annan Plan was a plan that was supported by the international community (UN and EU). """

Bananiot do you not consider that the International community would have supported any plan that would bring about a "solution" irrespective of its' flaws and its' potential downfall . Turkey of course accepted the plan knowing fully well that she could intervene in any part of Cyprus she deemed necessary without as much as a whisper of protest from the other two guarantors. She of all other nations knew that having had the blessing of a UN acceptance of its occupation of 1/3 of Cyprus nothing could stop her from further expanding her territory.

I'm , beyond a shadow of a doubt , certain , that had this plan been accepted it would have led to a much bigger catastrophe for our nation than the 1974 one, only this time it would have the blessing of the UN .The AP was nothing more than a legalised division of our island and it contained within it a time bomb slowly but surely ticking away. I applaud those who rejected this absurd "re unification plan " creating a UNITED CYPRUS REPUBLIC ???

I must say that the Cyprus government is at this precise moment letting the nation down by its inability or lack of want in coming up with new ideas to put forward.
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:11 pm

Bananiot wrote:Kifeas wrote

You are also on the payroll of Papadopoulos, as a highly paid state employee, yet no one stops you from publicly supporting and promoting the Turkish pan-turanist propaganda and objectives on the Cyprus issue, which aim at vindicating and legitimizing the ethnic cleansing, usurping and Turkification of 37% of the Greek Cypriot's ancestral and historical homeland.

The little fascist is suggesting that we lick the boss (no matter who he is) because this is how, in his twisted mind, all public servants should behave. They should give unquestioned support to whoever the President is. Furthermore, he suggests that any criticism directed at the President is playing into the hands of the Turkish propagandists. I detest this kind of argument and remind everyone of Voltaire and ask you to compare him with Kifeas.

What a crook you have really become of!

You quote the above, which was made in response to your nonsense that Claire Palley is on the payroll of Papadopoulos, in order to discredit her work, in order to show you that merely being on the payroll of someone doesn't make your views identical to those of your boss, and one such example I tried to indicate to be that of your self, and now you have the audacity to so provocatively twist that to show that meant the exact opposite of what I so profoundly suggested! Get lost crook! Charlatan!

The Annan Plan was a plan that was supported by the international community (UN and EU).

The initiative was supported by the international community, like always, but not the content of the final product (plan /proposal) itself! The EU had simply said that if we -the people of the country- are ready to accept it as the final solution, it (the EU) would accommodate it! Neither the EU nor the UN said to us that we must accept it, because it is the only solution that we can possibly have! Stop lying! Nevertheless, the mere use of such a stupidly pathetic argument shows your stupidity! Why then on the referendums they had one "yes" and one "no" as the two possible replies and they didn't have two "yes" instead? What a joke you have really become, to resort to such poor and stupid arguments!

There were many things in it that could have been better. Papadopoulos did not negotiate it with a view of making it better for the Greek Cypriots. He infact made it worse so that he could ask for a loud "no". Ask yourself why and there you have the answer: He has been against BBF throughout his life and he wasn't about to change his mind only a few months after climbing to the top job.

What a bunch of Nonsense!

Once again, I remind people that in the world we live in there are no ideal solutions but options, especially for a tiny weeny country such as Cyprus. We have been offered some better options in the past but declined to take them, making sure that the Turks recieved the blame for the stalemate. This worked quite well while Denktash ruled supreme in the north. Basically, we kept the flame going for a different kind of solution that would see Cyprus becoming a unitary state once again with the majority running the country and the minority enjoying all legitimate rights. Of course we were thinking wishfully, as always, but when things did change in the north, our shortcomings were quickly exposed. The whole world now thinks that we are the community to blame and that the Turkish Cypriot community is to be rewarded for maintaing a positive and helpful stance. The victims became the giulty part and Turkey got a resolution at the UN asking her to continue it's good efforts for a solution. The amazing thing is that Padopoulos put his signature on the print but no patriot of this forum protested against it.

Even more nonesense!

Once again I ask: Can we climb down from the clouds and face realities? Realities that were formulated not only by Turkey but mainly because of our own incredible lust to turn the island into a part of Greece (Makarios's speaches in Panayia and elsewhere in the early 60's pay testament to the fact).

There you are! We are the main guilty ones, and therefore we should accept the illegitimate objectives and ambitions of the TCs, Turkey and the Anglo-Americans, and accept a two "pre-existing nation /state" solution, a disguised partition that would have legalized the illegitimate and immoral fait accomplices of Turkey against us, and a confederation on a 50:50 sharing of the Cyprus's international personality and representation; because it was mainly our fault. And then you complain that I call you for what you are, …a traitor. As if Makarios was not the one been overthrown with a coup by a minority of right-wing extremists, because in their rightful view he had abandoned Enosis and tried to solve the Cyprus issue on the basis of independence, from 1968-1974.

Yes, I supported the Annan Plan and voted, among others, for the Turkish army to leave Cyprus and the number of settlers to be restricted to a few thousands. I voted for the Plan because I knew fully well that it was an option that we could not affort not to take. Simitis did so too and of course he was no traitor. He knew only too well that it was the best we could do, under the circumstances. Yet, with the benefit of hindsight, if I had to choose, I would probably still choose the Annan Plan, even compared to a Plan that offered a unified Cyprus, because with our mentality it is probably better if the two communities are separated for the immediate future into their respective geographical regions. From this point of view the Plan was a masterpiece and took well into account, both our recent history and the mentality of a people with zero political culture.

Then why aren't you proposing your TC friends to keep only the 18% of Cyprus for their state, since you prefer geographical separation as you have explained above? And was the Annan plan one that accounted for a temporary geographical separation, or it was one in which geographical separation and splitting of Cyprus into two ethnically based “nation-states,” a permanent? Read the TC Constituent State’s constitution to find this out, and …piss off!

Yet, what weighed really heavily in my mind prior to the referenda was that I knew that Papadopoulos will never be able to manage the "no" of the Greek Cypriot community. Klerides and Vassiliou would have done it in an elegant and a political manner. They could have easily shown the world that the Greek Cypriot community did not reject solution but a specific plan. Papadopoulos will never be able to do this. Remember how he cried on TV when he asked us to give a loud "no"? Well, a politically cultured man would have cried if he had asked his people to vote "yes".

How could he have been able to managed the "no" adequately and convince the international community of his true motives and intentions, if traitors like yourself, Lukas Charalambous, Nicos Rolandis and CIA, all you are doing since the referendums was to constantly defame and discredit him in the eyes of the international world opinion and in the eyes of the TC community -in forums and local English language publications that would also find their ways directly in the Turkish and Anglo-Saxon press and media; with slanders and lies that he is a Turk hater, a hard liner, a nationalist and someone that doesn't want a solution but only partition, because he doesn’t want to share power with the other community, and all the rest of rubbish that you keep bumping around all the time?

The foreigners and the TC community will naturally believe that if Greek Cypriots say the above, then they must be true to some extent. They do not know or imagine that they just come out of the mouth of a spiteful minority that acts deliberately against the interests of its own community. The Turkish propaganda will also naturally make full use of them to further their aims, something that already happens as we speak.
Last edited by Kifeas on Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:35 pm

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Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:40 pm

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Postby Bananiot » Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:09 am

Highlander, we had the opportunity and we blew it, thanks to people like Papadopoulos, Yiorgadjis, Lissarides and Sampson, who started working on the downfall of independent Cyprus the day after we signed the agreements. Do you think we can win things by simply shouting slogans?

"Get lost" was my line Kifeas. Plagiarism will not get you anywhere? Do you know the meaning of the word charlatan? I wonder!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:11 am


Amen to all that,Highlander.
But can you see it happening in a hundred lifetimes?
I believe we are at the crossroads of Cypro.And we have little time to salvage something (anything!) out of this mess,and unite our homeland.
We need to face one brutal reality. We have stuffed up our only opportunity in 1963 to decide our own fate.And we have paid a very high price for it.We can look around and blame everyone else for our blind nationalism,chauvinism and plain idiocy of our actions in the past,but it won't change anything. The reality is where we are now.Divided,exploited,humiliated,bitter,exiled...Above all two communities swimming in suspicion and mistrust. There is little point in insisting on the ideal solution,a united democratic Cyprus respecting people's human rights. We can't get there from where we are.Even if we wait "for the balance of power to change" that will not get us to a democratic Cyprus where everyone feels equally valued and respected.That solution will result in the extermination of one community,revenge for some,miscarriage of justice for others.Human right abuses for all.And then eternal vigilance and fear of the balance of power changing again.And the cycle of misery and pain will continue even for our 10th generation descendants. Is this what we want?
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