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Financial Times’ bias

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:22 pm


Thank you for your post.

The media may wish to forget December 22nd, 1963, but I cannot forget 43 years ago today, Dec 24th, 1963, being taken prisoner at a gun point at age 8 years old, by fellow Cypriots, along with my family of 9 and neighbours, about 25 in total, from our homes. We had spent 7 days in captivity along 700 others sleeping on the floors of a University Building, and ate what ever was given to us, at the holy time of the Christian Calender. It was obvious, even Christmas day was not observed, by those who wanted and have succeeded in turning Cyprus "upside down". :cry: :cry: :cry:

I believe in forgiveness, even though I cannot forget, so I want to wish Merry Christmas to all my Greek Cypriot friends on the forum, as well as all non Cypriots. To all my Turkish Cypriot friends, many of us who do celebrate Christmas, but only in name, and not because of Christ. !!

As for me, being a non- believer, I celebrate all holidays, regardless who claims them, to be theirs.

It sure beats working.! :D
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:37 pm

Mehmet and Kikapu, as I said many times, I believe strongly that only the truth serves national interests. Those that deny the truth, for whatever reason, offer worst services to their country. Mehmet, I wonder if you know Kyriakos Tsioupras. He lives in London and like you heralds from the fair village of Komi Kebir

I too am a non believer, yet I thank you for your Xmas wishes. I wish you also a good rest and take it easy on the food and booze.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:48 pm

Bananiot wrote: I wish you also a good rest and take it easy on the food and booze.

The Swiss ( Germans) like to celebrate Christmas today, Dec 24th, so the leg of Lamb has been cooking in the oven for the last 4 hours, and will be ready, in another hour, before the feast begins and the Red Wine flows. :D
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:48 pm

It takes a great man to admit to errors and an even greater man to say sorry .
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:51 pm

miltiades wrote:It takes a great man to admit to errors and an even greater man to say sorry .

It also takes a great man, to accept apologies and forgive.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 24, 2006 7:55 pm

Apologies accepted and I forgive you Kikapu !! Have a good Xmas !
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Postby Issy1956 » Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:06 pm

I agree with you 100% that only the truth serves national interests and we would all benefit from all sides being compeltely honest about the events of the past. I like Kikapu was a child of a family whose home in Kaimakli was attacked and destroyed in 1963/4 and we were made refugees and eventually left Cyprus for good. I could never reconcile the so called "Turkish Cypriot Rebellion" with the real events we experienced.
By the way compliments of the season to everybody.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:06 pm

Download the above movie to see how the British were discussing with the Turks about partition since the 1957, and have then blackmailed Greece and Greek Cypriots to accept the 1960 agreements without even asking us!

What was the fault of Greek Cypriots in 1963? That they proposed changes to the constitution that was forced upon us? Do you know any other country that proposals for changes that would make the country better and more democratic and which are supported by more than 4/5ths of the population are considered a bad thing?

The turks have committed atrocities of massive scales in Cyprus since they came here in order to exploit us, and they continue to insist on crimes and human rights violations as we speak, and then they come here to blame us because we proposed democracy that was apparently unacceptable for them.

Why should an 18% minority have 30% of government jobs? Why should an 18% minority have veto powers? In which other country this happens? It doesn't happen in Turkey "the exemplar of Muslim democracy" with the 20% Kurdish minority. So whats wrong if Cyprus follows the ideal system of Turkey so the Economist can praise us as well?
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Postby Issy1956 » Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:40 am

So tell me what exactly happened in 1963 then?. Please explain for the benefit of those of us who are ignorant of the facts. Tell me about the Turkish Cypriot rebellion then. What is the official version.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:46 am

Why should an 18% minority have veto powers?

Piraits, you are an idiot. Ask yourself why you the GC's with 700000 (far less than 18% of the population of the EU) should have these rights in the EU.
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