Try and look at this way. They are temporary guests of your TC partners in our country and as soon as we resolved our local domestic difficulties we can jointly ask them to leave. Do we have a deal? Cna we agree on that much at least?
you said
Issy, temporary yes, but "guests" definitely not.
Guests don't kick you out of your home. Those are called invaders, not guests, so lets call things with their name.
If they are not your guests then they are our guests, if this is my homeland then I to have the right to have guests, these guests will stay until we resolve our problems only then may the go, the choice is yours.
We are not beating you up at all the fight you started ended in 1974, now we are trying to make up but we need a baby sitter because you still show signs of aggression towards me if my minder leaves so until I know you will not try to harm me again he will remain as my guest.
How long will it take you to create another Akritas if we went back to the 1960 agreements? You and I both know you will use everything with your power namely the EU to ensure we are reduced from being a partner to just another minority.