by miltiades » Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:32 pm
Issy said :
I, like you am a firm believer that we Cypriots GC and TC have much more in common with each other than we do with our mainland cousins. In all honesty my first concern is with our common homeland and would wish to see the Turkish troops go home but we must all realise that this will not happen without a comprehensive peace settlement. The entry of Turkey into the EU, if it happens and I have my doubts about that, will benefit us all. I see no reason to demonise the Turks as a people and cannot understand why some of the GC's on this forum are so irrationally, almost psychotically anti Turkish. I just dont understand how people become like that. Perhaps it comes from the education system in Cyprus? """
Issy I always try to understand peoples grievances and I fully appreciate that our people have their justified grievances againt events that have caused so much pain and suffering. I know that a T/C mothers' grief for a lost son is equally enormous as that that of a G/C mothers' sorrow.
Maybe having left Cyprus at the ripe age of 15 I have not been through what most of my people , our people have gone through , maybe my love for my Cypriot brorthers has not had to endure the painful tests that those living through the years of conflict experienced. I m hopeful and can honestly say that with Cypriots such as you and so many others on this forum and in the wider Cypriot world the solution will inevitably come .