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Postby Brent2403 » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:57 pm

G.Man wrote:
Brent2403 wrote:You are one sad individual dude - you are very good at twisting words but when its done to you - you dont like it.

Look, you are the one who could not understand a joke and laid into someone for it...

I can take a joke but there was no hint of any joke in your original post re to it was okay to murder them because they were prostitutes !!!!
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Postby G.Man » Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:11 pm

My Original post that said

"are they going to prostitute school then"

;) = Wink

NOWHERE have i said it is ok because they were prostitutes, I only said that was WHY he chose them... his twisted mind not mine!

Now just drop it...

It was a poor taste joke and thats it...
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Postby Brent2403 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:14 pm

G Man - I was refering to this " statement "

Quote " Highlander, dont be a tossah, it was 5 PROSTITUTES murdered not 5 ordinary girls...

Go and count your millions you retard "

Which I think a lot of ppl would have read as - oh its okay because they were prostitutes, as though it okay to kill them and not any other women.
Why do you think that prostitutes are not ordinary girls ??

No I am not sticking up for this profession but they are human too and this idiot took their life.

And who are you to tell me to drop it ??

Did you not mention something about free speech earlier - or have you forgotten about that too ??
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Postby G.Man » Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:16 pm

Brent, I said drop it as you are just making yourself look stupid...

That was a response to highlander and wasnt the first post... read them in context, it all becomes clear for the hard of understanding...

Nowhere have I said it is ok because they were prostitutes, all I have said is that it is unfair to scare all the normal girls of ipswich because someone is killing prostitutes....

If you were a prostitute in this evil mans reign then you are a murderee, if you are a normal schoolgirl, then you are hardly at risk from THIS killer, no more than you would be in any other town, in any other country...

If you are still having problems, go back, read the first post, then read my first post... instead of responding to a post YOU have taken out of context...

And how you make that post read "because they were prostitutes that makes it okay" I have no idea....

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Postby Brent2403 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:23 pm

G Man - you have a very high opinion of yourself and a very low one of others.

I am not making myself look stupid, I am just voicing my opinion.
It is only in your opinion that " I am making myself look stupid "

I find your remarks offensive, to the point of making a report to the moderators about you.
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Postby G.Man » Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:12 pm

oh fgs I give up...

times like this an ignore button is what i would like to see for 2007

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Postby andri_cy » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:20 pm

Brent, Let it go. G.Man has explained himself over and over. You are the only one going. You need to learn to let things go a bit better. Even if he had meant that it was ok because they were prostitutes, he is entitled to express his opinion. This is a forum. He said his piece you said yours, now it is time to move on.
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Postby Brent2403 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:26 pm

andri_cy wrote:Brent, Let it go. G.Man has explained himself over and over. You are the only one going. You need to learn to let things go a bit better. Even if he had meant that it was ok because they were prostitutes, he is entitled to express his opinion. This is a forum. He said his piece you said yours, now it is time to move on.

Thank you for telling me what to do !!!
You know nothing about me yet you are able to tell me what to learn.
I may be the only one " going on " as you so delicately phrased it. So G Man is entitled to express his opinion - yet I am not and therefore made out to be the bad person here.

Sound like you are showing favouritism to him - I hope not. As a moderator you are supposed to be unbiased.
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Postby andri_cy » Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:16 pm

He expressed his opinion and so did you. There is no favoritism there. You are the one that keeps bringing it up. Yes you are right, I know nothing about you the same way you know nothing about him. All I know is he has asked you to drop it, he has explained himself and everyone else is now one way or another past it but you. You have told him how you feel and that should be it, no need to bring the same thing up over and over.
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Postby Brent2403 » Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:21 pm

If you want to be pedantic, he told me not asked me !!!
There are only two ppl in this discussion him and me ( not everybody )

Oh and by the way - its called having the last word and I dont see why he should have it !!!
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