Snad wrote:Miltiades
I am right with you up to the part about God save the Queen. People might want to save her and if so, God is the very chap to do it. However, I'm one of them that says she and her family of hangers on should just melt away into quiet oblivion.
Hardly hangers on, they are wealthy in their own right, we pay them for their civic duties, which are actually good for britain..
The monarchy is the last remnant of "good ole blighty" left... it is the govt that is the UK's problem, not the monarchy!
I agree with the comments above that the govt is so busy supporting minority groups, it has forgotten that govt is elected by a majority.. they will get a sharp reminder next general election I feel sure...
The public have got so wrapped up in political correctness, they have forgotten we are a CHRISTIAN country, and as such we can celebrate CHRISTIAN festivals without fear of persecution... Even if you are an atheist, you should not be siding with the other religions over the one adopted by your country!
To anyone who doesnt like a CHRISTIAN Christmas, to hell with them, go live in a country that doesnt celebrate Christmas, Easter, or any other darn festival you disagree with, for I will tell you now, Britain as a whole will never celebrate feid el fit, fast for weeks and weeks so the country virtually comes to a standstill or any of the other festivals the other religions hold dear...
I will respect them when I go to Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt etc, so if you come to my Christian country, darn well respect our celebrations!
I am not even gonna get started on UK stealth taxation.... the tax which goes to pay for all these immigrants to live with a greater degree of freedom....
To those immigrants that respect the new country they live in and its holidays/festivals etc, I say, you are welcome, the same as the cypriots who have welcomed me, while I respect their different easter etc etc..
For those that wish to change the country into a new pakistan, etc etc, I say go the hell back if thats the country you want... and take that idiot blair and his cronies with you!
What we need now (in the UK) is a new margaret thatcher, a prime minister with some balls to take this country out of another Labour mess... She took us out of the grip of the unions, we need someone to take us out of the grip of the immigrants... Then finally, we need someone who realises the war on drugs in the UK is lost, and get a new policy that will take £24bn a year out of the hands of criminals and terrorists and put it in the hands of the police, the NHS, and people who will do good with that money!