Niki2410 wrote:G.Man wrote:Niki2410 wrote:If anyone tells me that moving to Cyprus is going to create just as many problems then I won't believe them!!
(ok - feel better now

Well, lets start with govt office issues, registering an imported car for example... then we can move on swiftly to the standards of driving... plenty of traffic jams in the major towns due to people not obeying simple instructions from traffic lights or box junctions.. then lets look at utility bills, £465 for 2 months electricity in summer... eventually reduced slightly, but not enough to make it reasonable... then there is the local workmen, that add 30% to the price of anything if you are not a cypriot.. the build quality of the houses... 2 years to get a set of deeds, only to find out the developer had mortgaged the property 6 weeks before he went bust, and 18 months after he sold the property to you... almost getting run over by people who make illegal turns in the town centres without looking to see if anyone was there... hitting a kerb because somone on a scooter was travelling the wrong way down a one way street...
Hey its lovely here, but lets not pretend its without problems.... it just has good weather and problems...

Like I said - I just don't believe it is worse than the UK. You have to be extremely careful but do you really believe UK drivers are all angels or property developers and builders are all honest upstanding people? There is even a TV programme here dedicated to rotten builders and another for bad drivers - although Cypriot driving is an experience I must admit.
Brit drivers cannot compete per capita with the diabolical cypriots, even the police think most cypriot women shouldnt be allowed near a car, and don't get them started on the village twin cab drivers...
The thing is with the uk properties is they have an NHBC guaranteee and when you buy them you have the deeds, same day, no outstanding mortgages... just the dodgy build to deal with and snagging...
Ho would you feel if you handed over cyp£100k for a house, only to find 2 years later a bank holds the deeds, and has paid the builder cyp£60k against that house as security... AND its falling apart, has multiple damp issues and everytime it rains your lounge floods...
Yes I have seen some brit horror stories as well, homes built on landfills etc, and have to be abandoned due to methane gas problems, so I know its not all one sided, but you have to be aware of the problems..
I think cyprus just has different problems and great weather...
I also think that the cyprus issues arent half as annoying as the uk ones, but they have just got speed cameras, so who knows how it will pan out... and parking tickets have been increased to cyp£50 a throw... so watch out for the wardens as well