RichardB wrote:G.Man wrote:RichardB wrote:GMan have you ever thought of engaging brain before speaking. You Prat!!
Explain yourself? Has it recently come out that the girls murdered were not infact prostitutes?
Are there no murders in cyprus? last time I checked there had been a few...
So the fact is relevant, and in case you are still in any doubt look for the wink...
So it makes a difference to you if these girls were prostitutes??
Does it not enter your simple minded head that these girls were somebodies daughters??
I really think that if you think making a joke out of this situation ( which you seem to think can be excused by a wink) is funny then you are a very sad individual and really need to grow up.
RichardB I thought people posting here would have some degree of intelligence and realise the purpose of the wink, sadly I underated some, but now I have no need to make that mistake again...
So to explain for the hard of understanding...
No it makes no difference to me the girls were prostitutes, but to deny that is exactly what they were, for whatever reasons or motivation, is WHY they were killed... to tell all women they are at risk because there is some psycho killing young girls, is completely different to telling people that PROSTITUTES are at risk from a psycho killer...
I did not make any light of the situation, and merely referred to nikki's comment about being worried about sending her girls to school in ipswich, as in reality, they are at no more risk in ipswich than they are in any other town UNLESS they are prostitutes, in which case they could be designated as a murderee...
So if some are too stupid to understand humour, and want to perpetuate a similar argument to that which is going down in the uk media, rather than actually think for themselves, then there you have it in plain english..
I am terribly sorry mothers have to find out their daughters were prostitutes, but maybe had they brought them up better they would have had a better education, better jobs, not had multiple sprogs by 20 and not turned to drugs to try and improve their pitiful existences...
Yes i think it is entirely relevant these people were prostitutes, why should ordinary girls with proper jobs, walk around the streets of Ipswich in terror they might be killed... its enitirely proper to let these girls know they are not at risk unless they are prostitutes..
Sadly some are subscribing to the thing that makes the US/UK truely bad, the purpose of this thread, political correctness.. lets just call these prostitutes young girls, rather than what they are... a particular type of young girl... A prostitute!
Like my poor physically challenged father in law says, "I am not physically challenged, I am a f**king cripple"...