pantelis wrote:
Whatever makes the Annan V the legitimate plan, makes all the other versions, also legitimate. If the four versions are void, then the fifth one is also void.
The drafting of the Annan plan is a process. The rules of this process were _agreed_ beforehand. It is just ridiculous to say if Anna 5 is legitimate then 1-4 are also. In the UK legisaltion is darted and then it goes to the house of commons for '1st reading' and '2nd reading', ammendment are proposed and voted on, then a similar process happens in the house of Lords and eventually the bill becomes law. What becomes law is the _final_ version of the legislation - not any of the previous versions. If you try to defend yourself in court ont the basis of the original legisaltion dratf and not the final draft that was passed, you would be laughed out of court.
pantelis wrote:
If the TCs need to have Turkey's permission in order to "breath with their own lungs", then the negotiations should be between the RoC and Turkey directly.
I am simply being realistic. The TC could ignore Turkey, if they were to accept GC maximal demands. However we reject your maximal demands because they are in our view unjust. If Turkey were to insist that we accept your maximal demands we would reject that too. The fact is Turkey continues to support the TC in their quest for a just settlement in Cyprus. It is not about 'permission' from Turkey, it's about accepting and realising that the issue is 'bigger' than just ourselves - it has impacts for Turkey the EU and the rest of the world (something GC would be well advised to accept and realise). We (well me at least) do not share the GC arrogance that they can persue their maximal demands without any regard for the impact on others.
pantelis wrote:
It is time for the TCs, yourself included, to stop hiding behind your little fingers. Sit back and let Turkey deal your future.
I (and we) are not hiding behind anyone. We owe our existance to Turkey, as a community with rights to control their own destiny in their own homeland and quite possibly as individuals who are still alive! The problem is not who you deal with - the problem is that you are still persuing maximal demands that have never been acceptable to TC, Turkey the EU or the rest of the world since the very inception of an independent Cyprus. Deal with us, deal with Turkey, deal with the UN - the result is the same - give the GC what they want or we will say no.
pantelis wrote:
It is not fair having to deal with paid peons, who are scared to lose their inflated salaries.
You have no 'paid peons' on your side scared to lose their inflated salaries?
pantelis wrote:
I am a firm believer that, had the GCs voted "yes" for the Annan plan, either the "vote keepers" in the north would have shown a "NO" result for the TCs,
We (although not I) voted yes you voted no. You do not like the pressure that has caused the GC or the realisation it has created internationaly that it is GC intransigence that is continuing the Cyprus problem. So you simply say 'well your yes was not a real yes because you do not have real democracy and the powers that be simply make up the results'. Believe what you like if you want to live in a world of self deception. Don't expect such a 'world view' to help you achieve a settlement in Cyprus though.
pantelis wrote: The "Annan Game" Sequel is over my friend. Turkey needs to deal with the RoC directly, this time, not thru the proxies at the UN and their bosses in London and Washington, but directly.
There really is no one you will not attack if they do not support giving you everything you want, is there?