DT. wrote:Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Here is one of me taken when I was old , two years ago!!!! .Handsome Yeah !!

I thought you said you were better looking than me?

Of course I'm !!! Just post one of your ugly mug for all to judge , then we can have a poll , Who is the best looking : Miltiades Or GR . Are you game ? Chicken !
ps. If you do have the courage to post one make sure you ain't got a fag in your mouth !!!
Cant wait for that poll

Here you go no fag! Go for your life...

You wearing foundation?

If I looked like that at your age I would have had a ...nose job. Boy , try smiling when posing , the one of me was taken with Kafenes in Paphos a couple of years back. Take a look at a more recent one then you can decide on having a poll !!
ps.The beard is gone now but all else is there Eat your heart out boy !