I currently have the 1mbit Cytanet connection called NetRunnerFast. I also just found out about MiVision. Now it says on the website the following prices:-
Basic Package miVision £17/month
Basic Package miVision with i - choice 256 £19/month
Basic Package miVision with i - choice 512 £22/month
Basic Package miVision with i - choice 1000 £25/month
miVision (Public) £29/month
Now I currently am paying something like £25 a month just for the 1mbit connection (haven't seen bills yet so just using my memory here as they didn't give me anything like a price breakdown in writing for the web). Does it mean then that I can get MiVision with my 1mbit connection for £25 a month, or is it on top of the amount I am paying at the minute. Am a bit confused about what I am paying at the minute and exactly how much I will be paying if I also got the miVision package.
Also, from the look of things it is a completely seperate piece of hardware that plugs into the router. Fair enough. But does it share the internet with your standard ADSL connection? We will be using the link for 2 PC's in the future for constant access to our work in the UK (VPN links) and would be rubbish if the PC's slowed to a crawl when someone else started watching TV, or if the TV quality was rubbish because we were on the web etc.
Apart from that does anyone have experience with MiVision? I'm not after Sky TV type channel coverage here, just a few channels to watch in my spare time. The website says better quality than satellite, but is this really true? I mean assuming they are still using 1mbit connections here surely it cannot be upto a full on Digital (for example Sky which was clear as a bell in the UK, and lets not even go into the new HD one....) satellite experience? As far as I'm concerned average quality will do, but is there a lot of freezes or breakups in the picture? Considering how ADSL works here then I would be suprised if it is totally pain free with crystal clear images and no freezes. Then again could be nice bit of kit with lots of caching etc I suppose...