Viewpoint wrote:zan wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:shahmaran wrote:Ercan takes around 4.5 hours from london, ive doen it before Turkish airlines has direct flights!
There is a big difference, between a "Direct" flight and a "Non-Stop" flight. Sure you can have a "Direct "flight from the UK with Turkish Airlines, as long as then land in Turkey somewhere, but they can not have a "Non-Stop" flights.
Although, Viewpoint in the past, not too long ago, claimed to have flown "Non- Stop" from UK to Ercan by Turkish Airlines.
It's possible the pilots fell asleep, and just flew-by Istanbul in a B-Line to Ercan. Stranger things have happened.
The deciding factor is if their are no passengers getting off at Turkey the plane comes direct to the Ercan TRNC without touching down in Turkey.
Is this still happening VP. If so I stand corrected about it stopping.
Only ocassionally as there are always passengers getting off in Turkey.
shahmaran wrote:ye thoose bloody Turks, how dare they stick their nose into Greek business...
Pyrpolizer wrote:@ Kikapu.
What VP said really happened my friend. The question is how?
Well here is how:
The flight starts as London_Turkey with a very specific flight number and very specific air route to travel.
It is supposed to land on Turkey and then take a new flight number (internal for Turkey) and fly to Cyprus.
What the pilots did in those cases was to change flight codes on air and follow a different route.
During that "by-passing" and while the plane is not following any internationally accepted route too many things can happen, one of which is collide with another one on air.
When this happens there is too much confussion on air traffic controllers everywhere.
I wouldn't personally risk my life for such a trip.
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