mrfromng wrote: Well said andry, whats wrong with me catching my flight direct from Heathrow to Ercan?This would not result in recognition.
An aircraft is most vulnerable at take-off and landing, why am I forced to double this risk?
This is nothing but bullsh*t, you just wont to make life as difficult as you can for us. How about you showing your human side to us just for once and do the right thing. You are all so blinkered that you cant see by treating us like this you are solidifying partition even more.
propably you don’t understand the implications of this. The TCs can have direct flight to Larnaca, and don’t tell me the 20 minute ride from Larnaca to the occupied (which in fact can be as quick as 10 minutes if you enter from Pyla) is such a huge problem. I bet you need at least one hour to go to the airport from your place in the UK.
Leaving aside the fact that what we have here is a huge deprivation of 200,000 GCs right on their properties and lands, leaving aside the fact that your people are building on those stolen lands, and they actually build hotels,villas etc all aimed at attracting tourists, the matter of direct flights to the occupied is not simply aiming at recognition. This is the second target of the illegal administration.
What it aims at is to flood the place with tourists, boom to world records the illegalities performed on our stolen properties, attract even more sale of stolen lands yto foreigners and in fact lift whatever problems the TCs are now having. Well tell me if this should happen who the hell is going to lift the problems and the illegality against 200,000 GCs? What incentive would the TCs would be left to want a solution? They would simply just turn looking at us and laugh…
And it is not only that. Having control over these direct flights, I imply you that the next step would be to bring in tourists from England with just 10 pounds Air ticket. Who is going to forbit them? They have no obligation to abide to any EU rule regarding dumping of prices and unlawful competition. Logistacally this means 100 pounds loss from air ticket, 500 pounds profit from the tourst spending, nett profit 400 pounds.
There is absolutely no way this can happen sand I don’t really see any injustice to the TCs since they can already have their direct flights from a legal Airport, i.e the Larnaca Airport, which is just 10 minutes ride to the occupied from Pyla road.