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Direct Flights to TRNC from UK and Sweeden

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:21 pm

mrfromng wrote: Well said andry, whats wrong with me catching my flight direct from Heathrow to Ercan?This would not result in recognition.

An aircraft is most vulnerable at take-off and landing, why am I forced to double this risk?

This is nothing but bullsh*t, you just wont to make life as difficult as you can for us. How about you showing your human side to us just for once and do the right thing. You are all so blinkered that you cant see by treating us like this you are solidifying partition even more.


propably you don’t understand the implications of this. The TCs can have direct flight to Larnaca, and don’t tell me the 20 minute ride from Larnaca to the occupied (which in fact can be as quick as 10 minutes if you enter from Pyla) is such a huge problem. I bet you need at least one hour to go to the airport from your place in the UK.

Leaving aside the fact that what we have here is a huge deprivation of 200,000 GCs right on their properties and lands, leaving aside the fact that your people are building on those stolen lands, and they actually build hotels,villas etc all aimed at attracting tourists, the matter of direct flights to the occupied is not simply aiming at recognition. This is the second target of the illegal administration.

What it aims at is to flood the place with tourists, boom to world records the illegalities performed on our stolen properties, attract even more sale of stolen lands yto foreigners and in fact lift whatever problems the TCs are now having. Well tell me if this should happen who the hell is going to lift the problems and the illegality against 200,000 GCs? What incentive would the TCs would be left to want a solution? They would simply just turn looking at us and laugh…

And it is not only that. Having control over these direct flights, I imply you that the next step would be to bring in tourists from England with just 10 pounds Air ticket. Who is going to forbit them? They have no obligation to abide to any EU rule regarding dumping of prices and unlawful competition. Logistacally this means 100 pounds loss from air ticket, 500 pounds profit from the tourst spending, nett profit 400 pounds.

There is absolutely no way this can happen sand I don’t really see any injustice to the TCs since they can already have their direct flights from a legal Airport, i.e the Larnaca Airport, which is just 10 minutes ride to the occupied from Pyla road.
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Postby DT. » Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:42 pm

and I've read the reviews of the turkish cypriot airlines....not pretty With Cyprus Airways you get an entertainment system with movies as well on the way to heathrow.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Dec 16, 2006 2:01 pm

Andry cy wrote:
"""Miltiades, I understand what you are saying and even though it is going to sound like I am contradicting myself, I will say that to an extend I agree with it. I am not saying we should recognize the TRNC, far from it. I am just wondering if there is a way to allow or support direct flights, if we all worked together so that the TCs can fly directly into their country also. We need to start somewhere and everyone needs to compromise a little here and there. That is the only way we will ever agree-if there is a chance of that happening at all."""

Having been an ardent supporter of a united Cyprus with all it's citizens enjoying equal rights as Cypriots , it would be totally contradictory for me to support the "legality " of a state that is run by a foreign power , Turkey.
There are direct flights to Larnaca where every single T/C has the right to use and an International airport that has to conform with International legalities and covenants enacted over more than a century and form the backbone of legal air flights .

Allowing flights to the occupied part of Cyprus will be cementing the division of our island , what is the perpose of direct flights ??
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Postby eracles » Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:34 pm

miltiades wrote:
Allowing flights to the occupied part of Cyprus will be cementing the division of our island , what is the perpose of direct flights ??

The purpose is to cement partition.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Dec 16, 2006 5:58 pm

We will do everything within our power to persuade the EU and the world that we are entitled to direct flights and in fact direct trade, only 3 years ago this was not even a possibility, today we have the EU US Islamic Nations and many other countries stating publicly that isolation's on the TC community should be brought to an end. In 5 years and with lots of hard work explaining our position we will get what we want. You can kid yourselves all you like but what you see fit for yourselves you cannot deny us the world will gradually come to appreciate that your negative stance is purely to ensure we are held hostage in the hope that we will concede to your demands. You may say that you have our land well steps are being taken to rectify this issue without the residency clause, apply to the property commission we even have a GC family return to live in the north. Why don't you to set up the same property commission in the south under the exact same principles if you can?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:46 pm

Yeah Viewpoint keep your hopes up high, like we did for the past 32 years. In the end you will realize nothing happens, it's all hot air.

Btw what happened to the direct flights with Ajerbaijan :?:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:49 pm

You are right the EU says your isolation should end. Never said it should end illegally. So the next step for the EU is to order the disolution of "trnc" to have a legal way out to end your isolation.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:18 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote: The TCs can have direct flight to Larnaca, and don’t tell me the 20 minute ride from Larnaca to the occupied (which in fact can be as quick as 10 minutes if you enter from Pyla) is such a huge problem.

What it aims at is to flood the place with tourists, boom to world records the illegalities performed on our stolen properties, attract even more sale of stolen lands yto foreigners and in fact lift whatever problems the TCs are now having. .


What you wrote, is a concern, if we are to avoid partition. However, by having the "noose" so tight around the TC's neck, is not going to help, to agree on a solution either. If your concerns are, about tourist flooding the North to visit or buy property, then it will also take them 10 minutes from Larnaca to cross over, just as it would take "mrfromng". You see what I'm saying. You don't have that mass movement of British or other Nationals going to the North from Larnaca, and there are probably not even a "small mass" of foreigners going from Turkey to Ercan.

As far as having flights for £10 pounds to fly from London to Ercan direct, I'm willing to wager a small bet, half the passengers on the plane will be GC's. I'm not so sure about my good friend Miltiades being on those flights, but many others might.
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Postby pantheman » Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:11 pm

mrfromng wrote:
Miltiades, I understand what you are saying and even though it is going to sound like I am contradicting myself, I will say that to an extend I agree with it. I am not saying we should recognize the TRNC, far from it. I am just wondering if there is a way to allow or support direct flights, if we all worked together so that the TCs can fly directly into their country also. We need to start somewhere and everyone needs to compromise a little here and there. That is the only way we will ever agree-if there is a chance of that happening at all.

This is nothing but bullsh*t, you just wont to make life as difficult as you can for us. How about you showing your human side to us just for once and do the right thing. You are all so blinkered that you cant see by treating us like this you are solidifying partition even more.

Hypocritical git, look whos talking, you made life impossible for 200,000 people by you illegailities and now you have the god damn cheek to say we want to make life difficult for you. HuH , just typical TC propoganda and hypocricy, get stuffed is what i say. Why don't you show your human side, start by telling us the whereabouts of the missing 1767 men and boys since 74, then moving you troops off the island and then returning to properties to their rightful owners. Don't preach stuff you yourself are guilty of.

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Postby andri_cy » Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:25 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote: The TCs can have direct flight to Larnaca, and don’t tell me the 20 minute ride from Larnaca to the occupied (which in fact can be as quick as 10 minutes if you enter from Pyla) is such a huge problem. I bet you need at least one hour to go to the airport from your place in the UK.

OK I actually have to admit I forgot about the fact that it takes me to get from the airport to my house about 30+ minutes so I guess it is about the same as people going to the north. Keeping that in mind, I guess people CAN fly to LCA.
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