I went to a big wedding in morocco some years ago and it seemed there that anyone wielding a knife could cut the throat of any animal bought to the wedding and then leave it to bleed to death..But i think a camel on the runway takes the oscar !! no its not the size of the animal....its the complete isensitivity of the act my friend..imagine being a visitor arriving in your country on a plane and witnessing that.......its almost as if theres a time warp situation existing here...
And please dont link this act to the lifestyle of the Kalahari bushmen..having met some of them they are the supreme survivors in a harsh environment...they kill to survive and swiftly - they use virtually every part of the animal they kill including the sinews in the legs....they can survive without the shackles of religion as we know it and carry all they need to live on their back...they are to be admired not looked down on.