rawk wrote:Just out of interest.....
2 points.
Firstly, where was this thread moved from?
Secondly, someone called "Quality" made the original posting on page 1 and 4 pages later has still not rejoined the debate.
We have had all the usual slagging off by regular contestants but no-one has wondered what has happened to the original messenger.
Is this a new game? Post something totally outrageous, then sit back and watch the fun? Are we mugs?
I have a good idea.Why don't we assign certain actions to certain numbers,and we just post that number and sit back and watch...
For example:
1...............All out attack on Greeks and Hellenism...
2...............all out attack on all things Turkish....
3...............Praise for all things Greek...
4...............Praise for all things Turkish
5...............A biased history lesson on Cyprus...
6...............Ideas for making Cyprob even more unsolvable....
7...............Ideas on how to make one side look like the devil while elevating the other to the status of archangels....
This way we'll save some energy to put into proving that we are so psychologically wounded that we could not possibly live together even with ourselves...