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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:59 pm

Secondly, I would ban all swimming pools from being built anywhere in Cyprus, and would ban all existing ones from being used, if you're within 20 miles from the sea. I can't believe, water is wasted on swimming pools, when you have to whole Ocean to swim in. If the tourist can fly for 4 hours to get to Cypriot beaches, Cypriots can drive half an hour, to go there also.

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Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:00 pm

raymanuva wrote:Kikapu..can this be without fucking turkish crap for once???

Did you get some salt water in your brain or what.?

What exactly is your complaint.?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:09 pm

mrfromng wrote:
Secondly, I would ban all swimming pools from being built anywhere in Cyprus, and would ban all existing ones from being used, if you're within 20 miles from the sea. I can't believe, water is wasted on swimming pools, when you have to whole Ocean to swim in. If the tourist can fly for 4 hours to get to Cypriot beaches, Cypriots can drive half an hour, to go there also.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Is this guy for real?

What do you think it's going to happen, when the population growth will increase major demands for drinking water. Might as well start getting use to it now, rather than later. Just because some can afford to pay for their "pool" water, others shouldn't have to pay higher water bills, as well as, threats on running out of water. If water is plentiful, that would be another story.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:23 pm

Kikapu, I know you mean well with your suggestions. You are being politically correct and that is not a bad thing.

But think about the people you wish to impose your ban on. First of all most people in the TRNC have wells that pour out water out of a 4 inch pipe all day. They may wish to cool off in the privacy of their own homes. Is that such a bad thing? You haven't been to Cyprus for 42 years, do you know how crowded the beaches can be? I fill my pool up from my well as does everybody else that I know in the Kyrenia area.

You are not wrong when you suggest there is and will be water shortage in Cyprus, but you also suggested laying pipes from Turkey to overcome this problem. So it is not such a big problem for us with our big brother turkey just 40 miles away with enough water to supply to the rest of Europe for the next Milena. Let our neighbours sweat it out, do I care? I care for them as much as they care for me.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:28 pm

mrfromng wrote:Kikapu, I know you mean well with your suggestions. You are being politically correct and that is not a bad thing.

But think about the people you wish to impose your ban on. First of all most people in the TRNC have wells that pour out water out of a 4 inch pipe all day. They may wish to cool off in the privacy of their own homes. Is that such a bad thing? You haven't been to Cyprus for 42 years, do you know how crowded the beaches can be? I fill my pool up from my well as does everybody else that I know in the Kyrenia area.

You are not wrong when you suggest there is and will be water shortage in Cyprus, but you also suggested laying pipes from Turkey to overcome this problem. So it is not such a big problem for us with our big brother turkey just 40 miles away with enough water to supply to the rest of Europe for the next Milena. Let our neighbours sweat it out, do I care? I care for them as much as they care for me.

If you have wells, and you pump out your own, then there won't be any hardship on the rest of the people, who must get their drinking water from the Municipalities. Be warned though, wells do dry up, and as far as caring to those in the South, if water becomes scares, you may have to share it with them, otherwise they will deny you what you'll need, like electricity. Best solution, would be to pipe water from Turkey, and sell it to the South.

I'm actually thinking seriously to take a trip to Cyprus in March. Spend a week each, on both sides. It's time I went home.
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Postby sofo13 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:21 pm

In england is been raining for the last week yet we still have a hose pipe ban.Just imagine if it doesnt rain for nine months !
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Postby devil » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:59 am

Yup, Swimming pools can be heavy consumers of water. In summer, roughly 1 tonne (m3) per day/30m² of surface, just from evaporation (can vary according to topography, sun and wind exposure, as well as the pool design). This is 5-10 times more than the average person consumes in the house.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:55 pm

raymanuva wrote:damn you... you jinxed it... here you go, i just washed my car

:lol: Next time that it doesn't rain and the church starts with "litanies" and all that you should tell them to come to Sotos to solve the problem :P
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Postby Dadalushe » Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:14 pm

Sotos wrote:
:lol: Next time that it doesn't rain and the church starts with "litanies" and all that you should tell them to come to Sotos to solve the problem :P

..... and you would arrange an organic car wash? :roll:
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Postby G.Man » Sat Dec 16, 2006 12:12 pm

I witness wasted water everyday...

People insisiting on hosing down their driveways, pavements, patios, ad nauseum...

Its attitudes that need to change, not water supplies..

UK only has a hosepipe ban because the water companies are so damn ineffcient at controling leaks and managing supplies...

I dont think its likely UK wil be without rain for 9 months... lmao

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