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Condoms too big for Indians...

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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:25 pm

Maybe they have wee willie winkies because of malutrition,however its not the size that counts its what you can do with it,did you that in a world survey 1 in 8 men dont even know what or where their partners clit is,never mind the G-spot,only last week a good shop customer of mine Davie aged 41 whispered to me he was amazed to see birds in a porn film peeing (Golden Shower) now this bloke has had at least 10 long term realationships,I sadly rest my case !!!!!!!!

As the great Bob Hoskins used to say in the BT adverts "ITS GOOD TO TALK".
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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:39 pm

Well we know that perverted sex is rife but it will never be as satisfying as true intimacy and love, with trust. understanding and transparency of a real loving relationship. Some people dont need to know about golden showers or any other fetish, they are just happy to care and give their partner their love and support. And no... size doesnt matter only to those that are insecure and are are not happy with who they are... What has love got to do with that?
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Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:50 pm

Kikapu , as usual your percentage knowledge lacks behind the likes of Natty but at least 99.9% !!
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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:07 pm

Who mentioned anything about perverted sex or fetishes,what your really saying is you are another uneducated female that has obviously never had an real orgasim or you would no what i was talking about,so when a female cums and has a golden shower are you telling me that she is perverted?
Get a life misses !!!!!!! "Wake up and smell the coffee"
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Postby G.Man » Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:23 pm

THE HIGHLANDER wrote:Who mentioned anything about perverted sex or fetishes,what your really saying is you are another uneducated female that has obviously never had an real orgasim or you would no what i was talking about,so when a female cums and has a golden shower are you telling me that she is perverted?
Get a life misses !!!!!!! "Wake up and smell the coffee"


Golden showers and female ejaculation are ENTIRELY seperate things...

Golden showers are definitely a perversion!

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Postby THE HIGHLANDER » Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:52 pm

Ahem, obviously your as uneducated as unique_earthling and you have never had a woman to climax after many smaller orgasims either,dont get me wrong not all women are capabile of this feat,peeing on someone for pleasure is in my eyes a wee bit perverted but were talking pure natural love making here mate not some bird squating over someone having a pee !!!!!!!!!! You just dont have a clue what im talking about maybe one day you'll meet a real woman and she'll educate you !!!!!!!!!
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Postby mad-dog » Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:25 pm

Doctors in Asia are treating an increasing number of men with severe injuries who have tried to increase the size of their penises by injecting themselves with Vaseline and other oils.

Now doctors in the West say the trend for self-injection is catching on in the UK and the US.

The man had used a high-pressure pneumatic grease gun to inject his penis

Mr Manit Arya
All in the name of the perfect body.

Injuries consist of severe deformations caused by tissue damage and erectile dysfunction.

Gangrene can also develop if injection causes infection.

"The practice of embellishing the human body by injecting oils beneath the skin has been known for over a century," according to urologist, Institute of Urology and Nephrology (IUN) in London, Mr Manit Arya.

"Increasing the size of the girth of the penis is common in South East Asia as well as in Japan."

"For instance, in Japan, the Yakuza often plant spherical objects under the skin of the penis to increase its size," said Mr Manit.


Doctors believe that men in Britain may be becoming interested in the practice after travelling to Asia on holiday.

In all of these cases of penis enlargement by injection of oils, dangerous side effects develop

Mr Manit Arya
However, Mr Manit and his colleagues at the IUN were extremely surprised when a 31-year old British born man presented at their clinic for treatment recently for gross abnormality of the penis and ulceration as a result of injecting oils under his skin.

"This was the first case we had seen. It was a very interesting case.

"The man had used a high-pressure pneumatic grease gun to inject his penis.

"But the girth of the man's penis continued to grow and he was no longer able to achieve an erection.

"He needed urgent treatment for both problems."

The man was treated by careful removal of dead tissue under the skin of the penis by surgery.


He was also offered psychological counselling.

He apparently injected himself with oil to give himself more confidence sexually.

Although plastic surgeons currently conduct gender operations where a man or woman has their genitals altered, no plastic surgeon will conduct a penis girth enlargement operation.

"Unlike breast implants where some women experience severe side effects, in all of these cases of penis enlargement by injection of oils, dangerous side effects develop," Mr Manit said.

"The skin of the penis either dies or else becomes severely ulcerated in all cases."

Gender operations are currently performed in the UK when a doctor believes a person's psychological health depends on a sex change operation.

Mr Manit was one of the researchers of a IUN team who recently published a paper on grease gun injury in the Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:31 am

miltiades wrote:Kikapu , as usual your percentage knowledge lacks behind the likes of Natty but at least 99.9% !!

My friend Miltiades,

When it comes to percentages, no one can be better than Natty's numbers.!!
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Postby Bill » Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:56 am

mad-dog wrote:
The man had used a high-pressure pneumatic grease gun to inject his penis

Mr Manit was one of the researchers of a IUN team who recently published a paper on grease gun injury in the Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine.

Due to modern cars now not having any grease points I have a quality high pressure grease gun lying redundant in the garage.

I've probably got a few replacement grease nipples as well if you want to make a proper job of it :shock: .

Available at a reasonable cost and shipped to you in a plain brown paper covered box :wink:

I'm sure this brings a new meaning to the words -- pump up the music

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Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:36 am

Let an old boy tell you the secret of a well toned body part. You practice by exercising on a daily basis, dont rely on tablets or complicated procedures requiring arduous tasks. Just play it by ear and keep on exercising while at the same time you indulge in the most pleasurable bodily function , a glass of vintage red wine down your throat.
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