by joanna » Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:12 pm
When will everyone get that there is no Cyprus problem??? them over there and us over here, great. The only problem we do have is whoever the stupid idiot was that opened up the gateways, to have ppl coming and going from all sides. (NOT GOOD.) should be shot!. Other than that everything is fine, and i should know, my family are supposed BROSFIGES. We arent entitled to anything as my grandfather went to england to live before the war, but everyone else i know that supposedly has roots over there are positively drowning in the money that the government throws at them so i hardly think they have any reason to blame. If anyone said to them to give up all the land and the money that the government has given them since the war, in exchange for what they had over there, i doubt it very much if they would get many takers!!.