DT wrote:Are there any English in London?
No. Most of them are now in Peyia....

Greek Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos:
Tonight there are no winners or losers. It is certainly not a night for a celebration.
I should emphasise that the Greek Cypriots have not rejected the solution of the Cyprus problem. They are not turning their backs on their Turkish Cypriot compatriots.
They have simply rejected this particular solution on offer.
We shall work for a bi-zonal bi-communal federation as a solution that will meet the hopes and expectations of both communities.
devil wrote:Rubbish! Makarios/Grivas started it by demanding union with Greece. Why would Turkish-Cypriots want to go from living in a British colony to living in a Greek colony, especially with (then) recent memories of the treatment of Turks in Crete, Thrace etc. As I have written elsewhere, if the GC leadership had demanded independence and invited the TC community to join them, it is likely today that Cyprus would be an independent united island.
The GC leadership seem to have a special gift for making enemies. Witness the irritation that their stance is now creating in the EU.
You speak not just rubbish but utter balderdash and poppycock. Very obviously, you weren't living here in the 1950s, like I was. A minority of Cypriots have been wanting Enosis (union with Greece) from times before Makarios and Grivas were even born. In fact, the Brits offered Cyprus to Greece, in the 1920s, I think, and the Cypriots said no. In the early 1950s, youngsters painted the word ένοσης all over the place and the 1954 student "uprising" was to press for this, but this was fomented by a few hotheads. I can assure you that the Brits started the language division: I saw it happening with my own eyes.
Notice, I do not say ethnic division; there is no ethnic division, just language and cultural. Ethnically, the Turkish-speaking and Greek-speaking Cypriots are identical, as DNA tests have proved.
I agree with you that politicians, and especially the present incumbents, have not helped the situation. There is an amusing article in today's Cyprus Weekly to this effect.
You speak not just rubbish but utter balderdash and poppycock. Very obviously, you weren't living here in the 1950s, like I was. A minority of Cypriots have been wanting Enosis (union with Greece) from times before Makarios and Grivas were even born. In fact, the Brits offered Cyprus to Greece, in the 1920s, I think, and the Cypriots said no. In the early 1950s, youngsters painted the word ένοσης all over the place and the 1954 student "uprising" was to press for this, but this was fomented by a few hotheads. I can assure you that the Brits started the language division: I saw it happening with my own eyes.
which I have never seen in print, but after all the claims of everyone raping everyone it seems a reasonable supposition.Ethnically, the Turkish-speaking and Greek-speaking Cypriots are identical, as DNA tests have proved.
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