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Probably The Best News Article I've Read In Ages

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Postby G.Man » Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:20 pm

Piratis wrote:I am afraid you missed the whole point here.

Whom I called ignorant was some girl, that knows almost nothing about Cyprus and absolutely nothing about the Cyprus Problem, and she was quick to judge my reply.

I agree with many things that he said in the article, but one point was wrong. Am I not allowed to point out his mistake because he is a GC?

No I never missed the point, some girl, is she american? I know she lives in America, but then so do many Cypriots.. You may be right that she is... but thats as far as it goes...

Nationalism is very strong in the RoC...

Recent examples of this I have heard

"I don't want my children learning Turkish at school, this is a greek island, and they should be speaking greek"

"I hope the problem is never resolved, I don't want my children mixing with ******* *****"

"I wish they would close the green line again, we dont want their sort over here"

Yet on the other side, I hear different words

"I hope things are resolved, we want to be friends again"

IMHO i think the article was spot on, and it is a credit to the author, that he will be teaching his child to love and not to hate... A hard thing to do with all the history I agree, but resolution has to start somewhere, and it IS with the children..


you are so spot on comparing to Northern Ireland... It is the parents that continue to sow seeds of hatred in their children, hence why it takes someone brave like the author to start the change...

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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:28 pm

G.Man wrote:
Piratis wrote:I am afraid you missed the whole point here.

Whom I called ignorant was some girl, that knows almost nothing about Cyprus and absolutely nothing about the Cyprus Problem, and she was quick to judge my reply.

I agree with many things that he said in the article, but one point was wrong. Am I not allowed to point out his mistake because he is a GC?

No I never missed the point, some girl, is she american? I know she lives in America, but then so do many Cypriots.. You may be right that she is... but thats as far as it goes...

Nationalism is very strong in the RoC...

Recent examples of this I have heard

"I don't want my children learning Turkish at school, this is a greek island, and they should be speaking greek"

"I hope the problem is never resolved, I don't want my children mixing with ******* *****"

"I wish they would close the green line again, we dont want their sort over here"

Yet on the other side, I hear different words

"I hope things are resolved, we want to be friends again"

IMHO i think the article was spot on, and it is a credit to the author, that he will be teaching his child to love and not to hate... A hard thing to do with all the history I agree, but resolution has to start somewhere, and it IS with the children..


you are so spot on comparing to Northern Ireland... It is the parents that continue to sow seeds of hatred in their children, hence why it takes someone brave like the author to start the change...


talk about ingnorance, piratis, your comments speak for themselves. there are very few true americans. yes i was born here, in this great country. (perhaps you are jealous a little bit, because there is far less corruptuion here, that our people are more tolerant of others. a land where we have great medical doctors and equipment. a land where people respect animals and wildlife, or get prosecuted.)
no coutry is perfect, no people is without guilt of trying to put down others not like them. yes, the USA is a powerful and big country, and presently with a jerk for president, but we have done alot of good for other countries. our people are among the first to respond to any disasters, regardlesss of the country it takes place in. perhaps you think in WW2 we should have stayed out of germany and let Hitler do his thing? OH PLEASE! talk about ignorance!
outside of the native american indians, there are very few true americans. i am, in fact, a 2nd generation american transplant from europe. like you, i am very proud of my heritage, and my country. ALL of my countries.
hey it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. looks like cyprus isn't up for the job. don't hate me because my birth certificate says i was born in the USA.
futhermore, the artical, which is what this thread is about inthe first place, was beautifully written and the intension was highly comendable. sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder, are very unhappy, and like to let everyone else know about it, in hopes you will feel better. it only makes you look more ignorant, piratis.
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:14 pm

ok, every1 stop laying siege to piratis...

ok, so he interpreted a part of the article very differently than the rest of us...this is piratis...he looks for a political meaning behind everything...and who is to blame him? most of the time, there may be...this is not the discussion at the moment...

this post, as i said before, was because i like the article, and as many people have said mr angastiniotis' actions are commendable...a GC child growing up and living life together with the TC children...what could be more beautiful?

Piratis, where do u live? in Cyprus? or another country?
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:15 pm

i think piratis needs to lay siege to other people who made simple comments about how beautiful the artical was.
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:43 pm

Angastiniotis is going against the grain. He will be a soft target for the bigots of both colours. He is a very brave man indeed.
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Postby Sotos » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:22 pm

GorillaGal wrote:you and sotos should go start your own little country somewhere where you can be angry all by yourselves....

Next time you want to use my name ask for my permission. Whats wrong with you? Why you attack others for no reason? :roll: About the article I don't understand why is everybody surprised. Kids are kids. What did you expect that would happen? Kids are not born with hate. They will hate when they are old enough to feel the injustices or when they will learn it from their parents.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:27 pm

this is all very sad.
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Postby Sotos » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:32 pm

you are sad. Grow up.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:15 pm

have a good evening Sotos! smile! at least your mother likes you!
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Postby G.Man » Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:33 pm

Sotos wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:you and sotos should go start your own little country somewhere where you can be angry all by yourselves....

Next time you want to use my name ask for my permission. Whats wrong with you? Why you attack others for no reason? :roll: About the article I don't understand why is everybody surprised. Kids are kids. What did you expect that would happen? Kids are not born with hate. They will hate when they are old enough to feel the injustices or when they will learn it from their parents.

Yes sadly, parents screw up their kids

Its been happening for years, not just in Cyprus, all over the world...

Its about time they think about the consequences of things they do...

I will be honest, for the most part, more people seem to have a problem with Turkish mainlanders than Turkish Cypriots..

It seems cypriots want to get on, but Turkey is the barrier...

Maybe I am wrong, but it does seem that way...
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