Piratis wrote:I am afraid you missed the whole point here.
Whom I called ignorant was some girl, that knows almost nothing about Cyprus and absolutely nothing about the Cyprus Problem, and she was quick to judge my reply.
I agree with many things that he said in the article, but one point was wrong. Am I not allowed to point out his mistake because he is a GC?
No I never missed the point, some girl, is she american? I know she lives in America, but then so do many Cypriots.. You may be right that she is... but thats as far as it goes...
Nationalism is very strong in the RoC...
Recent examples of this I have heard
"I don't want my children learning Turkish at school, this is a greek island, and they should be speaking greek"
"I hope the problem is never resolved, I don't want my children mixing with ******* *****"
"I wish they would close the green line again, we dont want their sort over here"
Yet on the other side, I hear different words
"I hope things are resolved, we want to be friends again"
IMHO i think the article was spot on, and it is a credit to the author, that he will be teaching his child to love and not to hate... A hard thing to do with all the history I agree, but resolution has to start somewhere, and it IS with the children..
you are so spot on comparing to Northern Ireland... It is the parents that continue to sow seeds of hatred in their children, hence why it takes someone brave like the author to start the change...