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Probably The Best News Article I've Read In Ages

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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:13 am

Well, all Americans are ignorant anyways, so I will not waste more time with this. (no mention about any member in particular was made)*
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Postby G.Man » Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:25 am


You call others ignorant, but how can a GC make and attack on GC's?

He is stating things how he has seen them, his perception is his reality... He is not a TC writing the article, he is a GC...

He is rallying everyone to get together and talk about finding a solution, for that he should be applauded not lambasted...

Sometimes you really cannot see the wood for the trees my friend...
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:02 am

I am afraid you missed the whole point here.

Whom I called ignorant was some girl, that knows almost nothing about Cyprus and absolutely nothing about the Cyprus Problem, and she was quick to judge my reply.

I agree with many things that he said in the article, but one point was wrong. Am I not allowed to point out his mistake because he is a GC?
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:25 am

the article was beautiful

Piratis wrote:
Yes, i too accept that there is more nationalism in the GC side compared to the TC side.

What would be interesting is to compare some GC books and some TC books. In all my 12 years at school, at no point a bad word was said about the Turkish Cypriots, only about the Turkish army and the invasion.

What about the TC books? How are GCs portrait there? Are they portrait as their fellow countryman, violating the official Turkish policy that in Cyprus there are two separate countries?

for one, the biggest problem is ot the books, it is the teachers. we dont have such teachers as tcs have. this is a matter of fact. moreover gcs have also the influence of the church, a matter where tcs are way more progressive than us. politicians and media breed nationalism equally in both sides i believe.

second, if you expect to find something "bad" for the tcs (or gcs) in the books then you will be waiting for long.usually the problem with history books is not what they say , but what they hide. . books can create stereotypes and perceptions using extremely politcally correct language. and our books do that.
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:27 am

Piratis wrote:Well, all Americans are ignorant anyways,

result of our education ? !!!!
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:32 am

result of our education ? !!!!

Result of my personal experience.

The "all" generalization was said to piss Gorilla girl a bit. Still it is a fact, that the great majority of Americans are clueless when it comes to anything outside their country which they consider to be the whole world. Sad but true.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:45 am

for one, the biggest problem is ot the books, it is the teachers.

The books on history reflect the policies of the leadership. The how good or bad the teacher is varies. Some are good, some not. I had very good teachers. If you didn't thats too bad for you.

we dont have such teachers as tcs have. this is a matter of fact.

What do you mean by "such teachers"???
And can I have the results of the research or whatever it is that shows your "facts"?

second, if you expect to find something "bad" for the tcs (or gcs) in the books then you will be waiting for long.usually the problem with history books is not what they say , but what they hide. . books can create stereotypes and perceptions using extremely politcally correct language. and our books do that.

So you believe that the language used in TC books is politically correct? If that was the case it means that all references to the "trnc" should be within quotes.

Come on cypezokyli, do you honestly doubt that within their books they will not promote their "state" and excuse its existence? And is there any other way to do that other than presenting the GCs as the evils, and themselves the innocents that were saved by the Turkish "peace operation"?

On the other hand, we have no reason to promote any hate between the two sides, since unification is our aim.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:57 am

Kartal___Aetos wrote:


I could not agree more !!
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Postby Strahd » Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:35 am

miltiades wrote:Kartal___Aetos wrote:


I could not agree more !!

Bravo you win!

Your nationalism is better than the Greek or the Turkish nationalism!
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Postby Snad » Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:46 am

Come on guys can't you see the basic function of this article? Its mainly about 2 little girls, one GC and one TC but both CYPRIOT!!!!

I took me back to the trouble we had in northern Ireland in the 70'S/80's and 90's. Young kids didn't know what it was all about and Catholic and Protestant played happily together, until their older generation started to sow seeds of hate for the other side and instill into the younger generation how evil one side or another were.
These little girls don't know about 1974 and wouldn't understand if they did. They just want to b with their Cypriot friends and be happy.

Who knows, large oaks from little acorns grow!!!
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