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Strip venues from a UK promoters angle

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Strip venues from a UK promoters angle

Postby tony harte » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:46 pm

One of my business's is adult shows and supplying strippers to strip venues.
I have herd and read here accounts of the Cyprus strip/lap venues and if its true all i can say is i am gob-smacked that this openly goes on in a country like Cyprus.

We have over 200 girls on our books.
To get on our books they have to provide us with their passport and birth cert.
Now from time to time we get a waffty passport and we just say no thank you.
Under UK law they have to hold
An EU Passport
Be over 18
And have a UK Nat ins no.
We also insist on a good command of English.

The venue must have
A licence extension to cover nude encounters
Changing area for the dancers
House rules displayed for both the benefit of the customers and dancers
Zero tollerance of breech of rules

Are venues are non-contact
Any dancer allowing Customers to touch genitals are sacked on the spot
(27 sacked this year)all eastern block girls except one
Although most venues have cameras, we generally can tell offenders as their earnings are too high for the amount of customers in the venue.
So we set them up, or put the camera's on them and within mins they are out the door.
Any sexual act which thankfully we have not had will result in Police being called

This problem has become a problem moreso since the eastern block countries entered the EU.

Thankfully this is how most Uk venues are run, and when the odd naughty venue does crop up the Police are very quick to close in down as they did in Birmingham recently.

99% of UK venues provide a very usefull adult service, they look after their girls, and the girls love their jobs and the venues.

As the poll shows most people have no problem with strip venues but would like to see better control, as Uk and Cyprus law are identical it should not to too hard to implement it.

Most of our dancers are married on in relationships with kids ect, just normal everyday girls, unlike the general opinion that they are all on the game.
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tony harte
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Postby Snad » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:50 pm

Wow! Thought you were a singer!! Didn't realise you were into all that :shock:

Takes all sorts I suppose :?
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Postby tony harte » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:58 pm


Sadly these days you have to have your fingers in a few pie's(pardon the pun) to earn a living.
My wife runs the strip agency
She is also an arobics instructor
I run the music and entertainment agency
I am also a pro singer

And between us we scratch a living time the tax man has beat us up.

Just all well as the UK entertainment industry has reported a 40% drop in business over the last 18 months

Clubs that used to have entertainment 3 times a week are dropping no to one or even none

We are in the middle of a non-reported ressision
(shit i cant spell to save my life)
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:29 pm

Comparing an English strip club or lap dancing club with a Cypriot Cabaret has about as much validity as comparing an English cinema with a Cypriot petrol station!

Compare an English ‘massage parlour’ (brothel) with a Cypriot Cabaret (brothel) and you will be in the same ball park.

tony harte wrote:I have herd and read here accounts of the Cyprus strip/lap venues and if its true all i can say is i am gob-smacked that this openly goes on in a country like Cyprus.

You can’t surely believe that exactly the same thing doesn’t happen in every town in England? :shock:
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Postby tony harte » Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:12 pm

Thats my point Grump

If whats reported in true its a knocking shop trading as a lap dance venue.
And that is the problem.

Where as in the UK Strip Joints are Strip Joints
And clip joints are clip joints

Massage parlours in the UK trade as such and if they get busted its no more then they expect.

Wheras incidents of prostitution are very rare in Strip/Lap venues as the owners stand to lose everything as well as a prison sentance.

Most of the naughty stuff in the UK can now be found in your local free newpaper classified adds "visiting massure"

And in truth i think the Police are ok with that as its concenting adults in a private home and its very low profile, the girls have drivers and safty codes and there are never any problems and the girls are off the streets keeping kerb crawlers at bay
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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:21 pm

A lot of the clubs here are mafia run, and they are ruthless, so if your thinking about doing it here be afraid be very afraid...
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Postby tony harte » Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:44 pm

Hi Uni

Yeh i was aware of that
its the same in a lot of countries now

Would never even think of it outside of the UK
And if the same problems developed in the UK we would just shut the business down and leave them to take it over.

No one in their right mind would take them on

But thanks for confirming thats the case
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Postby G.Man » Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:48 pm

Maybe this should be merged with the cabaret thread?

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Re: Strip venues from a UK promoters angle

Postby am.i.will » Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:56 am

tony harte wrote:Any dancer allowing Customers to touch genitals are sucked on the spot

Can they be fucked on the spot? :twisted:
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Postby Biker » Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:06 am

Well things must have changed in the UK since I last went to one (1991), with all those rules they sound about as much fun as watching paint dry.
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