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Strip venues from a UK promoters angle

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Postby G.Man » Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:42 am

Biker wrote:Well things must have changed in the UK since I last went to one (1991), with all those rules they sound about as much fun as watching paint dry.

Thats what I was thinking, I know a few guys who have negotiated after hours rendezvous' with strippers at UK nightclubs...

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Postby tony harte » Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:09 pm

Hi Biker
Yes that is a common opinion from customers in the UK
Its no where near as raunchy as it used to be, but that is because the girls crossed the line between raunchy and illigal, and as a result councils and Police insisted on changes before licences were renewed.
Its been like this now for the last 5yrs at least

Hi G man
What you say is very true about after hours and off site, and in most cases its in the car park up the road, thats up to the girls if they wanna be silly, maybe 1 girl in 10 will make these kind of business arrangements, as long as arrangements are made outside of the girl shift times its beyond our control, if we find out these arrangements were made in our venues or during their shift we will sack them.
But in truth its amost impossible to police these arrangements, but we aint stupid and we do warn them and keep a lid on it.
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tony harte
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