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RoC schools

Postby steveash » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:01 am

We are looking to move over permanantly in August 2007, i have 2 children aged 4 and 7, obviously they do not speak the language.
Any ideas about the best way to teach them the basics for school, dont really want to go down the private school route, but how easy would it be for them to join the mainstream primary school system?
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Postby Sotos » Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:11 pm

The only problem will be language. For the 4 year old it will be easier as he can go for a year to some kindergarten and learn. For the 7 year old I think you should use this time until August for some private Greek lessons. It will make it much easier for him.
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chooling for the kidz

Postby jody » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:07 am

hi ya we move over to cyprus in jan 07 and our little ones are gonna go to greek school.We have a 3,5 and 7 year old.The 2 little ones will be going to pre-school and our older one will be going to the village school.None of them speak greek we are throwing them in at the deep end but its the best way to learn,may have probs with the older one but we are looking to get them extra greek lessons we will let you know how we get on.Which part are you moving to!!!
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Postby steveash » Sun Nov 26, 2006 12:18 pm

Hi Jody, deffo keep me infomed on how well they get on.
We are no to sure as yet, but the deciding factor i think will be schools then job, but im deffo thinking along the lines now of getting a tutor here before we move to help cover the basics before we move
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Postby jody » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:04 pm

hi steveash,will let you know how well they get on,we only have less then 6 weeks now to go and cannot wait at mo we live in germany and will not miss these winters over here,too cold so be gr8t for a bit of sunshine.I will also let you know how long it takes to get them into a school,its gonna be strange for my 4 year old(well she will be 5 in 2 weeks time)as she started school over here in september but as they dont start school over in cyprus un til the term after their 6th birthday she will go back to a pre-school which will be a good thing as by the time she does start school hopefully she will know some greek,they say kidz pick it up easy fingers crossed will keep you posted xxwe are moving near larnaca.xx
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Postby sofo13 » Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:20 am

My brother in-law moved to cyprus in october with girls of 8 and 13 who canot speak greek.They cant really afford private school therefore they send them to cypriot state school.The young one settled in well but the older one is been told that she has to 'observe' in class for a year? Any suggestions or similar circumstances ? :?
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Postby jody » Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:49 am

hi sofo so the younger one has settled ok i was worrying about my 7 year old thinking that maybe he will be at that age but then we have friends over there who are english cypriot and they speak both to their children.Their son has a friend who moved there from england who's 10 and now speaks fluent,they have to tell him to slow down!!!Is it putting your 13 year old niece behind with work?.We also cannot afford private english schools as they are over 4000.00 per year and with 3 kiddies thats alot of pennies.Did your brother in-law get the girls into school quickly or did they have to wait a bit?thanx jody xx
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Postby sofo13 » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:17 pm

Hi, Jody the youngest got into school very quick and she also settled-in.But it was more difficult for the 13 year old as they had to apply for permission in Nicosia,and then when they eventually got the permission the head teacher of the school told them that she has to observe in class only.No writing or reading or special help.She went to school for a week and because other kids in her class laugh at her or taking the mickey because of lack of the language doesn want to go any more.Because of this plus the lack of finding a job ,my brother in law is thinking of returning back to England even though WE are repatriating (hopefully ) next month.
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Postby jody » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:37 pm

hi sofo sorry to hear about the older girl,what a shame kidz can be so cruel can't they must of been really hard for her not knowing the language i know if that was me i wouldnt of kept going either.Thats why we are doing it now while the kidz are young as otherwise we'd be in the same boat.I know we are throwing them in at the deep end but its now or never and def dont wanna move back to england(we live in germany at mo),So im hoping it will be easy getting the kidz into school.Anyway hope everything goes well for your brother in-law and family xx
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Postby Niki » Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:57 pm

To be honest I can't understand parents moving without knowing what the situation is for their children.

To me it's the most important factor. Kids can be cruel and we all know that - don't need to prove it.

I would suggest the 13 year old goes to a private school (the fees are a quarter of English private schools) to get their confidence and begin to learn the language. Then after a while they may settle into a local school more easily?
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