cyfo wrote:I am sure you haven't spent event two hour service in the army and if turkey moves forward you the first to shit and run living behind innocent young kid to defend you with useless army off ours.So don't call me again Turk find a something different , racist extremist you are
Why cyfo, calling you a Turk is an offense? If you say this then the racist here is you, not me. I called bg_Turk a "Turk", because of some story that zan said in another thread, and I called you in the same way as a joke.
I served my full 26 months in the army, most part of which was on the cease fire line. Now I have to travel for 2 hours 3 times every year to go to another place near the cease fire line were I serve as a reserve.
So stop with the false assumptions please.
I do not advocate war, I hate war. And I am not super brave either, never claimed that. But at the same time I love my country and I am not willing to sell it off. If we have to fight for our country we will.
Just imagine all those millions of people that died defending their countries from the Nazis. Do you think they liked war or they were super brave? No. They just did what they had to do.
War should be the last thing to use. I hope those that insist on illegalities and crimes against us will never force as to do so when such alternative will be possible.