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Postby dizey » Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:25 am

I probably need some professional advice - but generally for those of you moving from the UK to take up employment in Cyprus what do you do with your UK state pension? Do you need to continue paying NI contributions in the UK, or can you transfer to Cyprus? Is there a state pension in Cyprus? I'll be about 40 when I move over, so probably got a few more years of work in me yet!

Any info welcome. Thanks.
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Postby Svetlana » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:06 pm

You can have your UK State pension paid here - only 25 years for you to go! You may pay voluntary UK NI contributions if you wish to increase your State pension. There is a State Pension in Cyprus, although in theory your Cypriot SI contributions can count towards your UK Pension.

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Postby dizey » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:26 pm

Thank you Lana - I'm sure I'll get my head round it eventually! So much to think about and sort out!
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Postby deedeepuss » Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:18 pm

Hi Dizey

I have been trying to get my head around it too. When do you move out? I am the same age as you but will be 41 when we move out. I was also wondering what to do about a private pension, and wondering if you could have a private pension over there, or have to pay it over here still. So much to think about eh!! :shock:
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Postby jody » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:04 pm

As i understand it national insurance contributions will cease towards your state pension as of april 07 as they are fading out national pension but you need to confirm this through a financial advisor,so you would be aswell to start either a private pension or contribute to a cypriot state pension,hope this helps jody xx
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Postby dizey » Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:55 pm

Hi dee, there's loads to think about isn't there - but I'm sure (it'll be worth it. Another year or so til we go sadly - lots of saving up to do first! What area are you moving to? We were over a couple of weeks ago looking at Peyia, Tala, Chloraka. Not sure where we'll end up, depends on jobs I guess.

Thanks for the info jody, I reckon I need some professional help!
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Postby deedeepuss » Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:22 am

Hi Jody

We will be moving to Sotira. We have only been over once, so taking a big chance. It ticked all our boxes, so thought just go for it. When we first decided to move about 4 years ago we were looking at Fuerteventura, but with the language barrier we just thought it would be an easier transition to move to an English speaking country. We hired a car and had a good look round whilst we were there and liked what we saw. Sadly I lost both parents this year, so there isn't anything stopping us, and a new venture is what we need. We are trying to save too. There are so many things to think about. It will proabably be around May 2008 when we move. Keep me posted with how things go with you. What are you doing about furniture? We were thinking of just taking the basics and getting the main furniture over there. We also have to get our dog sorted with her passport!

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Postby jody » Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:54 pm

Hi Dee,sorry to hear about your loss,like you say a new fresh start.We too are taking a big step but we thought if we don't do it know we will never do it.We have 3 little ones ages 3,5 and 7 years.We lived out there 10 years ago (Hubbies work)for just over 2 years and have been back for holidays,love the place and always said we would settle there.We move in less then 5 weeks,and counting cannot wait,kidz are getting all excited now aswell.
We are going to rent near oroklini(we lived there 10 years ago)or livadhia area as we want the kids to go to the village school.Hopefully they will pick the language up quiker then me!!!!!

Our house at the mo looks like we have nothing in it, well we don't!! as we are selling up everything,only taking a few bits with us,starting a-fresh.Its now or never.What dog do you have???We are going to go up to one of the shelters to get one.

What a life over there?Cannot wait,its so different,although we live in germany at mo do not want to go back or will miss England thats for sure,where are you from?

Anyway i will keep you informed in how it all goes take care, have a great weekend all the best for the future

Jody xxxxx
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Postby zebedee » Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:53 pm

Sounds like we're all scratching our heads with the same questions! We're moving to Paphos in February (one way flights booked!) so panic is setting in with the logistics of it all. We're bringing our work with us (plus a 2 and 6 yr old!) so have to try and understand the tax system in Cyprus too.. I've found the UK Centre for Non-residents (branch of revenue and customs) really, really helpful. +44 (0) 191 203 7010
But then they send you a mountain of forms to fill in! :(
I'm thinking if we get all our post redirected for 12 months at least I can fill in the forms in the sun, in our own time, rather than stuck in the artificial lights that seem to be on all day at the moment. Can't wait. :D
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:14 pm

Hi Lisa

If you have tax questions, I will try to answer them for you.

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