humanist wrote:Dear Birkibrisli ,,,,, I am not sure whether you identify as Cypriot, Turkish Speaking Cypriot or Greek Speaking Cypriot. Firstly I wish to thank you for your support.
Secondly thank you for looking toward a brighter future for Cyprus.
Thirdly thank you for your argument and debate it is presented in a mature, clear, sensitiveand respectful manner. To this end I have been able to read, understand and agree with the arguments you have put forward. My dear friend although I feel that Greek Speaking Cypriots have been disadvantaged by the division on the Island in that they have no access to their properties and thus livelyhood and yeas they have lost loved ones also and I lost my 17 years old uncle at the time. My heart really goes to my fellow Cypriots of Turkish Speaking background in that they have been isolated for over 32 years and on an economic level are experiencing the hardship of this situation. I am sure that many also feel the impact of permanent settlement or lack of as they have not been able to have what the rest of the world including Greek Speaking Cypriot Refugees the right to feel that the home they are living in is theirs.
I also want to say that your argument of physical safety is very important and crucial as you say in a settlement process. I do apologise for what happened they other week to the young student in Cyprus. I do also believe that those thugs do not represent the majority of Greek Speaking Cypriots. Perhaps if the majority of Turkish Cypriots feel the way you do in that the 1960's agreement with some changes to make it more fair , I beieve that the Greek Speaking Cypriot population would support it.
If you have any contacts or influential connections within the Northern Cyprus leadership it would be powerful step towards a new Cyprus if your leder could formulate a a plan to be put forward to the UN for negotiations. To this end bringing peace to the Island and perhaps getting my Peace Park dream coming true with a gigantic Peace Monument as suggested.
I hope that you are wrong about the population statistics in the North, but 32 years of pain would be in vein if all that is left of the Turksih Speaking Cypriots is yet again being a minority.
May Peace rain on Cyprus each and evryday from this moment on!!! The people are talking good.
Dear humanist...
Amen to your blessings of peace on Cyprus.
I see you are a new member (relatively) of this forum,and I have been absent for some time for reasons beyond my control.Kifeas,Piratis and some others know me well.For your information I am of TC background who had to go into exile before 1974,mainly because my father was on the hit list for both EOKA and the TMT...Some achievment,yes?
I am one person who knows that nothing is black and white in Cyprus,and the blame is shared amongst many suspects for the ills that befell our beautiful island.I am from a little village near Polis in Paphos,but have not been there since 1967. In Australia where i made my second home i was lucky enough to meet people of Greek and GC origin who had golden hearts.So my ingrained suspicion and hatred of all things Greek has turned to respect and love and understanding.I know we are the same people,the Cypriots,divided by two artificial factors,which should not matter one iota if logic and humanity prevailed.
But they don't and here we are...
Overall my family was lucky to survive the terrible 60s,but we lost one great Uncle who was killed by some criminal thugs who happened to be of GC origin.I do not blame the GC people for this,only those who incited ethnic hatred and violence in guise of senseless nationalism.These people are/were a small minority but they have caused havoc with the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.And the havoc is continuing today.
I strongly believe that the only way forward in Cyprus is via peaceful means which will foster ,understanding,respect, and trust between Cypriots of all backgrounds.The just and permanent solution will then present itself,but not before we do some hard groundwork,which will inevitably involve compromise on both sides.
History will judge us harshly if we put the notions of revenge and getting even ahead of what is good for our country.This is the danger I see facing us in the near future.We must reach deep down in our hearts and find the necessary empathy,the key to putting ourselves in the others' shoes,as prelude to forgiveness and compassion for each other.Cyprus deserves our best efforts to rid ourselves from the corrosive ethnic divisions and hatred which has brought us to the brink of extinction as a nation.Cyprus will be much poorer without her TCs and unthinkable without her GCs.If only we could see this...