humanist wrote:Birk, thank you for sharing your story and I am really sorry that at the age of 12 you had to have the experience that you did. I am particularly sorry that Greek Speaking Cypriots treated you and your family and other Turkish Cypriots the way that they did. I was not even conceived in 1963 but I am sorry for that you had endured.
I live in Sydney and I shop at the local Turkish owned fruit market at times and get my gorgeous yummy Turkish Pide at the local Turkish owned joint, with extra parsley. Lovely wonderful people.
Guys we are essentially at war with each other so these deaths and beatings are inevitable ........ however they can pave the way to a brighter future so that there are no more Solomous, Kypros Ioannou Petsa (my uncle) no more students @ the English school beaten up .... I am sorry as a Greek Speaking Cypriot for that stupid idiotic attack. Not excusing the Turksih Cypriot student for spitting at someone for wearing a cross but it appears to be nothing less than a racist attack and I thank ful the authorities picked up the coward.
Thank you ,dear Humanist,for your kind words.
If everyone in this world was as sensitive and sensible as you are this world would be a true heaven.
The most upsetting thing for me is watching my parents generation,my generation,and my children's generation,being wasted in needless human pain and suffering.We are now raising the 4th generation to hate each other. We don't seem to learn. As you say,if we spend a fraction of our energy on promoting peace and harmony between less than one million people on a little island in the sun,that would be the best present we can give our children.It is very simple really.Without understanding ,trust and respect,there is no hope of ever achieving unification. Yet we seem to be hell bent of increasing the tension and the illfeelings and the mistrust,and the abuse of each other. I am beginning to think that Cypriots have deep seated selfloathing or sadomasocistic tendencies. We just love playing the victim. I think we have spend far too long being ruled by one imperialist or another,we have become like caged rats who turn on each other...