1) 18%-82% is the most fair. If, as you say the % doesn't matter, would you accept 5% for the north state? You wouldn't. In the same way I do not accept 29%.
You notion of land distribution according to population is ridiculous as aren't we trying to give as many refugees back their rights to their properties as possible? Those GCs that fall into the TCs 26-29% state will have the right to come back so they will make up the difference.
I accept that 18% vs 82% will be more realistic if were agreeing partition, but we are not doing that, we are trying to form a BBF.
2) Your dreams have always been for partition. You told us many times how Serbia-Montenegro had the right to take "divorce" etc. You see such agreement as a stepping stone for partition and that is why you want the more land possible. Otherwise, if according to Bir one day we will have just one unitary state, why would it matter so much to you to take such an disproportionally big piece? Viewpoint, you can swear at me and say whatever you want, but deep down I know you know I am not stupid.
We have argued those points before but what I am trying to debate now is not division but on what basis we would find a 2 states resolve under a Federal framework, you seem to be struggling with this idea. Or is it your only intention to create a GC unitary state? as that's the impression your are giving me and many others.
Did I just say you are stupid? but you lack of willing to compromise has even surprised people like Bir who is clearly pro reunification and is more flexible than many on this forum. ı know your stance very well so it didn't really surprise me in the slightest. Plus you are the one always calling me an idiot, bigot, thief, greedy, parasite and anything else you can think of. I'm just a normal guy with a family to protect and raise, we only want to live in peace without any threat or fear, we want to also have have control over our own future and not put it in the hands of purely GCs, is that so difficult to understand?
3) In the same way that you site security reasons and you don't want to live in a GC administered state, many of our refugees feel the same. Much more will return if they can do so under GC administration.
This i can understand but isn't this what you have been telling us for years, your fears are lame excuses you put forward just so as not to unite. ıf we can get both states to function along the same lines and in co-operation whats the fear? they will have the same rights has anyone else, the reverse will be applicable to those TCs who choose the south state.
Now tell us again why you insist on 29%? Because "nations" are created with wars and you can not give back much of what you stole from us with war. That's your "reason" right?
Look you are taking things out of context i was referring to other nations as an example. I feel that as many GC refugees should be given back their property outright so adjustments along the borders to 25% or around this area to accommodate as many as possible imho would not be objected to by the majority of TCs, the TCs concerns are more related with security as I have said many times.