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Airline grounded
Ajet refunds??
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Postby Snad » Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:39 pm

Sorry to hear about all you members who have lost money with Ajet.

I, personally would not have flown with Ajet, if they were the last flight out of Cyprus.
They have had multiple warnings from the CAA and yet did nothing. I worked for a handling agent in London and we handled their flights. Serious safety concerns, I shall say no more :wink:
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:07 pm

carolh wrote:We didn't book flights with AJet to save money. It was because for the first time we could get a winter flight direct to our home town.
As the airline had been operating since the crash, which was well over a year ago, we did not think there would be any problems.
After all Cyprus Airways was under threat of closure last year, but they got Govt. help. They owed a lot more money that AJet did.
Of course this was a political move!

It was all over a year ago????
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Postby michalis5354 » Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:29 pm

Here are some opinions on ajet among passengers that have used this airline. Some of them are satisfied while some others are not!

I wouldnt use this airline after the accident last year !
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Postby JayTR » Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:31 pm

Folowing 9/11 many of the worlds major airlines made a point of highighting to their passengers about ATOL protection in case of airline/ tour operator failure or in the unlikely event that an airline closes down either due to bankruptcy or any other reason, where passengers are affected on a major scale.
I know its a long shot but if anyone booked to travel on AJET FROM the uk, are their ticket prices not covered by this consumer protection scheme?
May be worth looking into in case there is a ray of light for people who have booked to travel with AJET from the UK....
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Postby skyvet » Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:47 pm

Whilst I am completely sympathetic with those that have booked with A-JET, and have subsequently lost (or stand to lose) their money, I have to make one or two observations in the light of fairness.
Firstly, and with understandable reasons, when an airline experiences an accident, human reaction is to point the finger at anyone and everyone in order to allocate blame for the tragic loss of life. The facts of the Helios crash seem to indicate alleged pilot error over the use of the cabin pressurisation system, yet two completely seperate "experts" would give you different arguments for/against this theory. The technicalities of the pressurisation system would take pages of this forum to examine thoroughly. However, the outcome of the accident is known to us all, and tragic though it was, (and again my deepest condolences go to all affected by the accident ) this has no direct bearing on the demise of the airline. Indeed, after any airline experiences an accident, so stringent is the scrutiny by officialdom that, immediately afterwards, that airline is probably the safest in the business. Subsequent grounding of that company's aircraft (unless mandated by the manufacturers) is usually brought about by other factors. In the case of A-Jet (Helios) I am given to understand that the cause of their grounding was purely because of debts owed to the airport operators incurred by landing/parking/handling fees. The fact that Larnaca airport is majority owned by the government is neither here nor there; it is simply a matter of housekeeping. If you don't pay the bills, then you don't operate!
I once worked for a UK based airline (name withheld) when exactly the same thing happened. After landing at ******* airport, the aircraft doors and cargo hatches were sealed, and airport vehicles parked in front and behind the aircraft to prevent it being moved. When the company involved were unable to pay the outstanding debts, the aircraft was auctioned to cover the costs.
I seem to be waffling now, which was not my intention! Suffice to say - don't blame the demise of A-Jet on that one tragic accident. Without exception, I can say that all of my former colleagues in the UK aviation industry were true professionals, whose primary concern was passenger safety, and whilst we did the flying, we left the financial side of the business to those on the ground. If they can't get it right, what chance is there for any of us??
ps : the only major airline never to have had an accident is QANTAS !
Best wishes to all those booked with A-Jet .... and good luck in geting your money back, and/or another flight.
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Postby skyvet » Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:52 pm

pps : See my forum entry dated 11th October 2006, entitled A-JET (Formerly Helios Airways)
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Postby mad-dog » Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:05 pm

G.Man wrote:I hate to be cynical, however, with the well publicised problems of AJet, it was a bit crazy to book with them in the first place...

I havent gone near them since the crash...

In the hopes of saving a few pounds, you now find yourself with a problem... anyway, one thing nobody has mentioned is travel insurance... you may be able to claim your money back from that... assuming you were bright enough to take that out rather than save a few pounds there as well..


you get some right twats on this site they love it when others have problems and gman you are a twat .
i dont want to be cynical but i will twat

i did not book with them just to save money but you are not telling me if something you want is £100 and next door its £300 that you would allways pick the most expensive .
sadly planes crash so do cars , boats everything they tried there best to sort things out but failed coz people like you would not belive they had improved .

everyone will get there money back coz ajet have not gone into liqidation they told me they will be doing charter flights next year for tour companys so without noing you could be flying with them .

there parent company libra have taken over many of there slots as thats who i have booked with for chistmas at the same time as my other flight .
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