GG wrote:An SLR is out of the question.!!!
It must be a compact and fit in my pocket.
So the lower the number of 'milimetres' the wider the angle of the photo?
Have I understood that right?
The ‘millimeters’ indicates the focal length of the lens.
A shorter (fewer millimetres) length gives a wider angle of view.
Conversely, a longer focal length gives a narrower angle of view – telephoto lenses have long focal lengths (>150mm).
To confuse matters, digital cameras use a smaller sensor than a ‘film’ camera so the lenses can’t be compared exactly. A 24mm lens on a 35mm film camera is probably equivalent to an 18mm lens on an digital SLR.
I’m not an expert photographer but would doubt that a ‘fit-in-your-pocket’ compact camera would give the kind of photos that you show above. They are by necessity a compromise.
I’ve just bought the new Sonly Alpha DSLR which comes with a 18-70mm zoom lens which covers almost every photographic requirement. It also has changeable lenses so you could have a super-wide lens for taking pictures inside the .smallest room’.