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any body been to thailand?

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any body been to thailand?

Postby Hiyar herif » Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:21 am

am off there tomorrow for 10 weeks - im also gonna visit laos,vietnam and possibly cambodia.
the only thing is i havent had any injections done or bought any malaria tablets - my fiancee had it all done 10 months ago before we set off on our world trip.
i didn't think about too much then but im a little concerned now - has any body got any experience for south east asia regarding diseases?

:shock: :?: :?
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Re: any body been to thailand?

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:25 am

Hiyar herif wrote:am off there tomorrow for 10 weeks - im also gonna visit laos,vietnam and possibly cambodia.
the only thing is i havent had any injections done or bought any malaria tablets - my fiancee had it all done 10 months ago before we set off on our world trip.
i didn't think about too much then but im a little concerned now - has any body got any experience for south east asia regarding diseases?

:shock: :?: :?

My mate got NSU there! :lol:
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Postby webbo » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:28 am

Please elaborate
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:16 pm

webbo wrote:Please elaborate

On what? :shock:
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Re: any body been to thailand?

Postby sal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:45 pm

Hiyar herif wrote:am off there tomorrow for 10 weeks - im also gonna visit laos,vietnam and possibly cambodia.
the only thing is i havent had any injections done or bought any malaria tablets - my fiancee had it all done 10 months ago before we set off on our world trip.
i didn't think about too much then but im a little concerned now - has any body got any experience for south east asia regarding diseases?

:shock: :?: :?

Have I!
I went travelling to Malaysia and Thailand with my then boyfriend and we had all the jabs - TB, Hepatitis, tetanus etc - what we didn't bargain on is those pesky mosquitos. The night-time female mosquitoes carry malaria but more endemic is the pesky female day-time mosquito who carries a tropical disease called 'dengue fever'. Man this is nasty shit. My boyfriend ended up contracting dengue (infact, he had a more severe form called haemorragenic dengue fever - just my luck) and after being pretty isolated for a week in a beach hut on Ko Pha Ngan we had to hot foot off the island by boat to Ko Samui and get a emergency flight to take him to a hospital in Bangkok where he was being sick blood and his blood count was so low they told him if he brushed his teeth anc cut his gum he was risk of dying from it! He was having hallucinations, he was delerious, had headaches that made him want to kill himself (I am being deadly serious he was screaming in agony and said if someone would have given him a gun he'd have shot himself to end it) We ended up leaving 2 weeks later than we should. Thankfully we'd already travelled up through Malaysia and done most of Thailand that we wanted to before disaster struck.
Please please please wear mossie repelent and make sure your beach hut has nets with no holes in. The coils are really quite effective at keeping the night ones at bay. Just watch the day ones!

Above all have a great time! The Thai people (despite recent bad press) are amazingly friendly and helpful. If you learn 'thankyou' which sounds like 'kop um kar' then they will be dead impressed too!

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Postby webbo » Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:49 pm

Maybe I am niave. What is NSU?
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:11 pm

webbo wrote:Maybe I am niave. What is NSU?

What is non-specific urethritis (NSU)?
Non-specific urethritis (NSU) only affects men. It is an inflammation of the urethra - the tube that carries urine from the bladder through to the tip of the penis.

It was originally called 'non-specific' because medical experts were unsure about its cause.

What causes it?
It is now known that NSU can be triggered by several different types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, in most cases it is caused by chlamydia - a sexually transmitted infection usually transmitted by having vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner.

He went to Thailand and caught a STI – I think its fair to say he wasn’t on a gourmet trip sampling the local quisine! :lol:
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Postby webbo » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:21 pm

Thanks for that. I am much wiser now. Still not a fan of TLA's (Three letter anacronyms) Why cant people write what they mean instead of catching this American disease of talking in code to make themselves sound intelligent or superior to others? :argue:
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Postby webbo » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:25 pm

I think Hiyar herif was referring to diseases that you can take tablets for or have injections to prevent the disease affecting him. The only prevention of STI's as far as I am aware is abstinance. Durex may provide some protection! Other than that a course of antibiotics atfer the event!
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Postby sal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:28 pm

webbo wrote:I think Hiyar herif was referring to diseases that you can take tablets for or have injections to prevent the disease affecting him. The only prevention of STI's as far as I am aware is abstinance. Durex may provide some protection! Other than that a course of antibiotics atfer the event!

But by the sounds of it he's going with his fiance so unless he's a very brave man indeed he's surely going to be refraining from the other less savoury delights that Thailand has to offer...?

Ladyboy anyone?

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