Much to my disappointment it appears not many other people seem to know what they are for and they are just using them as extra waste bins for the disposal of any old unwanted junk, building waste, garden waste, fridges, rotten fruit etc etc.
Second point. Does Cyprus have facilities to dispose of the said recycled waste as per EU directives or is it just an attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the Money Men in the EU. It appears to me that one lorry turns up to take all the "recylables", empties all the bins into the one l;orry and departs for who knows where. I suspect it is heading the same way as normal waste to the local tip!
The plus side to these bins is it seems to have reduced slightly the amount of fly tipping going on in the locality.
For these bins to work they need to be redesigned so that only the designed waste will fit, not the whole lid lifting. Trees need to be made into paper before they are deposited in the recycling bin for recycling!