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Cypriot men & their little fella (or big fella if lucky)

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Postby andri_cy » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:42 pm

GorillaGal, you dont need your ex's permission to visit his country. If you wanted to be in Cyprus longer than a day you should have done it.
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Postby GorillaGal » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:51 pm

yes yes, i know i know. and i told him i would stay in a hotel, and he didn't even have to see me everyday, if he would just help me out with sending on my way for sight seeing, but he wouldn't agree.... and it is an aweful long way to come for me, with no guarentee that he would be a help.... hey, i am american, and even i know how hated we are in other countries.... i get the anti-american feeling from many on this board as well.... and well, i think we all know i never really got over this guy, he was just incredible, although i do realise it's over between us. we are still friends, and i hope always to be friends with him.
thanks andri_cy
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:41 am

GG if you ever want to visit and you need help with sigh-seeing let me know I will put you in touch with my brother or my cousin who is a girl. They are friendly people always willing to help, seeing as I was a stranger in the US too when I first came and they all know how it is. It is a beautiful place and you would love it if you stayed longer and saw everything.
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Postby sal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:15 am

Hey GGirl, I know it's hard to distance yourself from things when you like someone but he doesn't sound too incredible to me - not wanting to assist you in a foreign country and not giving you 'permission' to visit his country for more than a day for fecks sake? You say it didn't end on bad terms and you are still friends but I'm sure you wouldn't treat a friend like that? I have international friends come over to stay with me all the time (some whom I've met for only a couple of days on holiday) and always try and help them - I even give my bed up for them and I sleep on the sofa the majority of the time and collect them from the airport, give them as much or as little free time as they want, take them for a nice meal show them around etc.

Does he have a wife or does he live with his family in Cyprus? Do you think that is a contributing factor in his attitude?

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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:28 am

no wife, Sal. he is living with his parents at present. that is a big contributing factor. and he knows i have strong feelings for him, he doesn't want to lead me on because his intention is to marry his own kind. i know he likes me. i know this unquestionably. he cares deeply for me and wants the best for me. as i do for him. and he doesn't want to hurt me. he really is a great guy.
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Postby GG » Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:52 pm

Lots of women i have spoken to say that Greek men have very large units, is this a fact, can any women confirm this?

They say "Once you go Greek you can't walk for a week".

But the general concensus is still "Once you go black you never go back".
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:20 pm

my greek guys were all average is size, so sorry to say, i can't confirm this. i did date a black, and i don't agree with that statement either. in fact, i have had quiet a number of international lovers, and i can't say any one is better than the other. it's the person that makes a good lover.
gee, i sound bad, huh?
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Postby sal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:23 pm

GG wrote:Lots of women i have spoken to say that Greek men have very large units, is this a fact, can any women confirm this?

They say "Once you go Greek you can't walk for a week".

But the general concensus is still "Once you go black you never go back".

Oh looking forward to these replies! If ever there was a reason to join the Hellenic Society to help with my learning Greek this could be it!

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Postby GG » Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:07 pm

JESUS CHRIST!!!! Exactly how many have you had to make such an informed comparison? Don't worry I am not judging, I like a girl that doesn't hide her past. Every girl you meet in Cyprus says she is a virgin.
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Postby sal » Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:25 pm

GG wrote: Don't worry I am not judging,

Phew that's a relief! I bet GGirl was panicing then...

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